Qimera 2.0.2 Release
4 September 2019
We're pleased to present Qimera version 2.0.2. maintenance release addressing small issues. Read below for details.
Tide or height shifts will now also be unloaded to FAU files.
Processing / Source Files
Fixed problems related to how User Additional soundings extracted from Water Column data were created and handled.
Fixed a problem where certain FAU files created very large QPDs.
Motion sensor data will now correctly be extracted from Kongsberg KMALL files.
Tools and Editors
The frequency filter will now work correctly when run from within the Slice Editor.
When using the Free Slice Select, you can now select a new partition in the Surface Edit Overview as intended.
A mouse pointer offset issue in various docks has been fixed.
The Undo and Redo functionality will now work as expected for points cleaned by the Cluster filter.
Fixed a crash that occurred when using the Profile tool.
Importing / Exporting
Geodetic CRS configuration for applicable exports now work as expected..
SOUNDG features will now correctly include a Z value.
Various fixes regarding importing and adding, removing, and adding QNC files to a project.
Banded colour maps will now correctly reflect the grid node value for Uncertainty and Sounding Density.
It is now easier to enter coordinates in the Test Coordinate Reference Systems dialog.