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Geo-Referencing Info Bar

The Geo-Referencing Info Bar sits directly at the bottom of the Fledermaus application window and consists of two informational text fields. The right one displays information about the rendering state of the visualization window and the left field displays geo-referencing information for the cursors position within the visualization window. There are 3 possible values for the rendering state: NormalExploring, and Rendering Best. When the scene is fully rendered in the main window the state will be Normal. As soon as an exploration action occurs such as flying, using the 3D input device, or manipulating the navigation widgets, the system will switch into Exploration mode. This mode normally renders the image in a somewhat degraded state to make the scene motion smooth. The moment the exploration stops, the system switches into Rendering Best mode while the application works to fully render the data in the highest possible resolution. When the rendering is complete the system returns to Normal mode.

The left informational text field will show you the current location of the cursor over the scene. If the scene has a projected coordinate system, it will show both project coordinates and WGS84 geographic coordinates.  This area will also show distance information when the cursor is in Measure Mode.

If a Pipeline Event Class is selected we show additional picking information more suitable for pipelines. This includes the nearest (x,y,z) pick point + the pipe kp point closest to the pipe and the DCC value (perpendicular distance from the pick point to the nearest pipe center).

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