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Fledermaus Extract Area Dialog

Extract Area Dialog.png

Extract Area Dialog

How to Start

What it Does

This dialog is used to export an area of your choice from the currently selected Grid to be saved as a new Grid with “Extracted” appended to the file name.

General Description

This dialog gives you a few different ways to select the region to extract:

  • Custom Min and Max: Specify a rectangular sub-section of the data by giving the lower left and upper right coordinates of the box.

  • Center and Radius: Specify a rectangular sub-section of the data by giving the center point, X radius, and Y radius of the box.

  • Corner and Size: Specify a rectangular sub-section of the data by giving the lower left corner plus the width and height.

  • Scene view selection: Uses the area selected with one of the selection tools to determine the extracted region. Using this method you can extract any shape from the surface, not just rectangles. Only available if you made a selection with a selection tool before clicking on the operation.

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