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Fledermaus Create Menu

Fledermaus Create Menu

Create Static Grid from Point Files

This menu option builds a uniform gridded surface from supplied point data. Click here for details.

Create Scalar Grid from Point Files

This option builds a Scalar object by gridding data from point files. Click here for details.

Create Grid Lines

This option adds a grid to the extents of the loaded data. Once created it can be altered as needed by changing the bounds, number of rows and columns, the cell size and color. If needed it can also be draped over the surface. 

Create Plane

This menu option creates a simple plane which can be set at a desired height, can change the color and the opacity 

Create Mesh

This option opens the create Mesh dialog. This allows the importing of ungridded data to create a Mesh.

Create QGF Annotation File

This option opens the create QGF dialog that allows importing point data and uses it to create an QPS annotation file.

Create Lines from Selection

When a closed selection is present in the scene, a lines object will be created from it, matching the number of vertices.

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