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Qinsy 9.7.1 - Improvements


Color Map Legend - DPI aware

In this version we have updated the colormap legend to be DPI aware. This is solving a number of displaying issues when working with monitors with different resolution settings.

License Check

We now only shown a warning in the Console and no longer pop up warnings when a license or maintenance period is about to expire :


Warning message in the Console

  • No longer any messages when opening Setup/Online/Replay

  • No messages when opening SVM:

Online we show a similar message in the Navigation Display, to make sure that people in 24/7 operations do get notified.




Reason for improvement:

Some of the supported slot values became absolute.
Solution mode needed to represent GNSS and INS status

The Improvements

The Slots Id’s have changed and are automatically upgraded by Qinsy 9.7.0 and newer versions.

Click to see slot ID changes
  • Position:

    • 1 → EKF_NAV

    • 2 → GPS1

    • 3 → GPS2

  • Motion:

    • P/R/H0 → P/R/H

    • HEAVE0 → HEAVE

    • P/R/H1, HEAVE1, P/R/H2, HEAVE2, P/R/H3, HEAVE3 → Are removed

  • Miscellaneous:


    • DEL_HEAVE1, DEL_HEAVE2, DEL_HEAVE3 → Are removed

    • ACC_X_MOT0 → ACC_X_MOT

    • ACC_Y_MOT0 → ACC_Y_MOT

    • ACC_Z_MOT0 → ACC_Z_MOT

    • Other ACC_(XYZ)_MOT(123) → Are removed

You would run into problems when creating a template in Qinsy >=9.7.0 and going back to 9.6.4. The driver won’t decode due to different Slot IDs

For the new solution modes, please refer to the drivers manual:


Waypoints - Option to send the AutoPilot turning track and swath track

The turning track and automatically calculated next (swath overlap) track from the driver can now be outputted by several waypoint drivers.

We added a fourth option as source for the waypoints to send:

“Waypoints From:

The dialog’s user-interface has been re-arranged in order to fit the new option


Output Autopilot Turning Track and survey line

Demo - Waypoints output and supported drivers listing

The 'Automatically send new waypoints' option will be disabled (by design) when you change the “Waypoints From” setting.

Dry running the new waypoint output option

These options are now available for the serial and network (UDP/TCP) versions of:

Pipe / Cable Trackers

TSS-350 - Extend driver to decode and store more data

The following items can now be decoded as Miscellaneous observations.

  • LAT,

  • VRT,

  • SKEW - (Skew only available in for 'S' string)

The following items were already supported by drivers

ALT - Altitude or depth - could be decoded using Underwater Sensor
COV - Depth of Cover - already existed as Miscellaneous observation.

Renamed slot names but backwards compatible.

TSS-440 - Implement Beam 2 as a singlebeam

Based on the meeting with the client we decided to use the altimeter field directly for the SBES system instead of beam 2 of the MBES system.

The Depth of Cover is a calculation based on Vertical offset and Altitude and we are recomputing a altitude from the Vertical offset and Depth of Cover.

Manual Pipe/Cable Tracker


Manual cable Tracker

For a better indication of the Depth of Burial (DoB) during ploughing we added the option to add a manual Pipe/Cable Tracker driver to your setup:


The manual observation wil be stored in the DB and the results will be stored in the QPD, which will allow you to process it in Qimera


Session Setup - Storage - DB - Area Name


#A: Names of the areas used for Auto Recording

Allows you to automatically include the Survey Area name used during:


Session Setup - Storage - Static Grid - Bathymetry - default date and time

When creating a new grid with a layer type “Bathymetry” date and time are default enabled:


This change was done to make sure people use date and time in Grids to make it easier to update grids with files based on time. This also aims for better workflows with the new available exports:

  • *.xyzt

  • *.qgup

Adding a date and time will increase the grid file size


Beta Navigation Display (NavigationJS)

MBES Coverage limits

MBES Coverage limits of each head is now showing Port side red and starboard side green
The coverage limits can be turned off:


Beam coverage colors and show/hide option

Navigation Display

AIS - Filtering

When the survey crew is boarding a vessel the AIS transponders can already be present on the vessel/barge. Because these systems are regular part of the Vessel Equipment the survey crew is not always allowed to interface to those transponders.
Instead the survey crew will install an AIS receiver. This receiver does not know the MSSI number of the Vessel/Barge and therefore the existing driver would decode this target too and show it on top of our object shape.

We added filtering of AIS target in the Navigation Display, which only effects the displaying of the targets and not the recording of the data.


Ais filter options

Filtering/hiding AIS targets can be done locally the display, but we also offer the option to hide the targets in all the Navigation Displays of the project.

Demo - Ais filtering options

Ais filtering options demo

When using AIS you might notice that some targets do not have additional information. It can take a while before Qinsy has received the additional AIS vessel information.
QPS offers an AIS Static Bin installer (Setup_AIS-Static_2.0.0.msi) which can be found at the bottom of the Qinsy Download page. It will install an AIS database that will improve the speed to show the additional information with new AIS targets.

SSS - Removed scale factor

In the past we applied a scale factor to the sidescan data. Due to changes internally this is no longer required and has therefore been removed.
You can now use the same range for your color map as used in the sidescan display.

Survey Manager

Session files

Session files were stored as binary file, but are now stored as an INI file.

CAD - Area

Highlighting selection

Highlighting an area has been improved:

SVM_Area_High light Improvements.gif

CAD - Line Planning

Active Route - Show bearing of route section

The cursor information now shows the True and Grid bearing of the active route.

Operations - Drape - Extract height from surface for multiple points

You can now select multiple:

  • Points

  • Lines

  • Polylines (Routes)

and drape them om a Grid surface. the result can be stored on a separate layer

Grid - Statistics

Qinsy is now using the same Grid Statistics API as Qimera


Copy settings

We have improved the options to copy settings from one plot element to another.
You can either make a change to a setting and copy all the settings:

Using "Copy all settings" button

Below you can find movies for the following copy actions:

  • Key Plan settings

    Key Plan settings

  • Plan View Settings

    Plan View Settings

  • Plan View Layers

    Plan View Layers

  • Profile Line Selection|

    Profile Line Selection

  • Profile Scales

    Profile Scales

  • Profile View Settings

    Profile View Settings

  • Text Fields

    Text Fields

Or use the Ctrl + Selection

Movies below are demonstrating that only the changes are applied to the selected:

  • Key plan

    Key plan (only changes)

  • Layers

    Layer (only changes)

  • Profile

    Profiles (only changes)

  • Text

    Text (only changes)

  • View Settings

    View Settings (only changes)

Profiles - Cross Profiles - Mirror option

For plotting we now offer a setting to mirror your profiles. This is sometimes used when working with decreasing KP’s.


Option to mirror your profiles

Profiles - Mirror option

Cross Profiles are normally show looking in the direction of increasing KP or MP.

When working on roads you might notice that the the hectometer signs are sometimes decreasing in the driving direction. When working on that road you might want to see the road profiles in the direction you are driving.

A similar case might be applicable when a canal/river route is increasing from inland to sea and the project is working from sea inward.

For the two above use cases we made it possible to mirror the profiles for displaying (and plotting):

Volumes - Advanced Volumes - Input field checks

We added additional checks on the inputs fields to highlight them when the selections cannot be used in their current state.
Below an example, but their are many more scenario’s covered:



Export - Hull / Boundary / Edge to CAD/GIS

The QPD Hulls can be exported to a Background file (*.QGFback) and then be exported to other file formats like DWG/DXG/SHP/ect.



In order to upgrade to .Net Core 6 and 8 the projects and libraries are upgraded to MSVC v143.

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