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Exporting Seismic - User Defined ASCII from PM

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Suitability to Seismic

If 'dummy echosounders' have been defined for most, if not all, objects in the seismic spread, this Processing Manager export option provides a means to write line and node positioning related data to an ASCII text file.
Sometimes a client may ask for information in a format other than P1/90 or SPS.

This export does not provide the usual header information found in UKOOA/OGP data exchange files. Another difference in output is that P1/90 exports all node positions for one fix at a time whereas this export writes positions for one node at a time for all fixes.

Overall, other export programs may be more useful, i.e. those from the Raw Data Manager - 'UKOOA P1/90', and 'All Data-Generic Export'.

General Options

On the first page of the export wizard select the options that specify which data needs to be exported and where it needs to be stored.

In seismic surveys:

  1. Export is usually done line by line, not to a single ASCII file.
  2. Export is usually based on Fix mode.
  3. It is probably wise to save the export configuration to a 'settings file'.
  4. The category list includes Survey Line, Nodes, all Object Reference Positions, all echosounder DTM points and transducer points (almost all of which are 'dummy echosounder' systems set up to facilitate storage of all objects in the *.QPD file). Survey Line and Nodes are of primary interest.
  5. For export options DTM points are probably of no interest.


The options selected on this page determine the appearances of the next wizard pages.

File options
Export to single ASCII file

Tick when data needs to be exported to a single ASCII file. Enter a name for the file.
If the data needs to be exported to separate ASCII files do not tick this option.

Click the browse button to change folders. Select the folder to which the file or files are saved.

Export using interval mode

There are various modes to use:
Distance - Data will only be exported at the given distance in survey units. The Survey units are set in the template database.
Fix - Only data available at the moment of a fix are exported. The fixes are generated online.
MP - Only data at a given MP interval is exported.
        MPs are meter points based on the theoretical line the parameters of which are attached to the *.qpd file.
        The MP points on the line are set in the Line Database Manager.
Time - Data will only be exported at the given interval in seconds.

Export using settings fileUse a previously created ASCII Export Settings file for the export configuration. For the first time of running the wizard there is no Settings file already stored. Proceed through the wizard and the option to save a Settings file is provided on the last page of the wizard.
If an existing Settings file is selected here, any changes to the configuration made on this and subsequent pages of the wizard can be saved to a new Settings file at the end of the Export ASCII configuration wizard.
Survey LineExport parameters associated with the theoretical survey line attached to the *.qpd file.
NodesExport any Nodes defined on any or all Objects in the Template database.
Reference Position of the used objectsThe reference position of the vessel and/or any other object used.
DTM PointsThe positions (X, Y, Z) of the footprints from one or more systems.
TD PositionsThe position(s) of the transducer(s) (TD) from one or more systems.
Export options

Use other datum/projection

The data is recorded on Survey datum as set in Database Setup.
With this option the data can be converted to another datum and/or projection.

Use the local time zone

By default all data is stored in UTC time.
With this option the time will be converted to local time according to the MSWindows date and time settings.

Export validated data only

Data which is set to 'not valid' in the Validator will not be exported.

Export interpolated data

This option can only be used when the export option 'Export using interval mode' was selected and was set to MP.
This interpolates in the area between QPD files.
DTM points with qualityOnly export points with a quality figure entered in the text box provided.
Use separator character

Select the character which  will be used to separate the different fields in the export file.
This will give a slightly different type of columns in the Parameters Export Selection page:
The ‘From’ column is not displayed, instead, a column named ‘Order’ is used.
This column can be used to determine the sequence of exported parameters.
This functionality can be used for all export categories.

Include column header

It is possible to add a header to exported data. The header has two lines:

  • The first line will show the type of data that is exported (For example: ‘Survey Line’ or ‘Footprint Position’).
  • The second line will be a sequence of exported parameters.
    This sequence uses a separator character, if one is selected in the line above.

The header will precede the exported data.
So if there are multiple exports written to one file, there will be multiple header occurrences in the file.

Export system separately

When a dual channel echosounder (33 and 210 kHz) needs to be exported to a single file, the export module sees the two transducers as two systems.
This results in an export file where first system 1 is exported and beneath that system 2.
If the user wishes to export pings with the same timetag onto one line, this checkbox must be left unchecked.

Enabling this option enables dual channel export. If an echosounder (33 and 210 kHz) needs to be exported to a single file, the export module can treat the two transducers as one system.
This means it is possible to have one position with 2 different depths in two different columns next to each other in the exported ASCII file.
It is only used if the system you are trying to export is an echo sounder.
The export settings for each transducer can be defined individually. A row with the transducer name is then shown in green.

The precision formatting time fields have to be the same for all transducers. If this is not the case no identical timetags will never be found.


Return to 43514727.

Survey Line Parameters

This page will only appear when the Category "Survey Line" was selected on the first page of the wizard. There are two slightly different versions depending on whether a field separator is used or not.

Normal appearance of columns.

Appearance of columns after activating 'Use separator character' in 'General Options' wizard page.

Survey Line - Parameter Export Selection
ItemSelect which line associated parameters should appear in the ASCII file.
(See table below.)
LengthFor each item the length of the data field needs to be set.
(Normal appearance of columns.)
PrecisionEnter the number of decimals used (precision).
FromEnter the starting column in the file for this item.
OrderThis column is used to specify the sequence of exported parameters.
(Appearance of columns after activating 'Use separator character' in 'General Options' wizard page.)

 For each line the following items can be exported:


Line Name

Name of the attached line.

Easting Begin

East coordinate of the beginning of the line. (Not necessarily the SOL.)

Northing Begin

North coordinate of the beginning of the line.(Not necessarily the SOL.)

MP begin

MP (Meter point) value at the beginning of the line.

Easting End

East coordinate of the end of the line. (Not necessarily the EOL.)

Northing End

North coordinate of the end of the line. (Not necessarily the EOL.)

MP End

MP (Meter point) value at the end of the line.


Total length of the line.

Bearing / Radius

If the radius of the line is zero the bearing of the line will be shown, otherwise the radius of the line will be shown.

Return to 43514727.

Node Parameters

This page is shown only when the Category "Nodes" was selected on the first page of the wizard. The selected set of parameters for each node selected is exported at an interval set on the first page of the wizard, i.e. the 'Export using interval mode' has been checked on the first page of the wizard and a mode selected. If no interval is set, parameter values are written to file at the update rate of the triggering system, i.e. the computation cycle time.

All parameter values for the first node in the list are written to file for the entire *.QPD file, followed by all the values for the second node for the entire *.QPD file, followed by all the values for the third node and so on.

A list of items shows all available nodes.
Tick which ones need to be exported and press Next.

Nodes - Parameter Export Selection
ItemSelect which Node associated parameters should appear in the ASCII file.
(See table below.)
LengthSet the length of the data field for each item.
PrecisionEnter the number of decimals used (precision). 
Regional - Settings for date and time are set in the control panel of MSWindows.
Use the drop down button to select another format if necessary.
FromEnter the starting column in the file for this item's data.

Node Name

The name of the node to be exported.
Node IDID code of the node. Node ID is assigned by the program and cannot be changed.
Object NameThe name of the Object on which the node is located.


Date of recording.


Time of recording.

Easting / Northing

Grid coordinates of the node.


The z value of the node.


Grid bearing of the Object on which the node is located.


Pitch of the Object on which the node is located.


Roll of the Object on which the node is located.


Heave of the Object on which the node is located.
Fix NumberFix number (not available for every position).


The offtrack distance from the survey line of a node.

KP Value

The Kilometer Point value of the position of the node.

Return to: 43514727

Return to: Exporting Towed Streamer Seismic Positioning Data

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