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Qinsy - New KMALL format and K-Controller

What is new?

Kongsberg has released their own software to control the multibeam (K-Controller).
Additionally, Kongsberg also created a new KMALL format.

The KMALL format can be used with Qinsy 9.0 or higher.

SIS can also log data directly into the KMALL format. These files can be brought directly into Qimera for both processing and cleaning.

What does this mean for a Qinsy user?

If you want to start using the new KMALL format , you will need to update your Qinsy template.

Supported multibeams

Please check with Kongsberg if your system can support the new KMALL format.

What do I need to change in Qinsy?

Change driver

Remove the EM-Controller

  • With SIS-5, Kongsberg is controlling the multibeam with their new K-Controller, meaning that you can no longer use the Qinsy EM Controller.

Sound velocity sensor (near the head)

  • This can now be interfaced directly on the Kongsberg PU, meaning it is no longer required to interface it with Qinsy.
    This is because Qinsy can decode the sound velocity from the KMALL message.

What changes on the Kongsberg side?


  • You can now interface the sound velocity directly on the Kongsberg Processing Unit (PU).

Control of the multibeam

  • You will need to start using the K-Controller.
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