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Qinsy 9.4.3 - Improvements

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Drivers  - MBES  - Kongsberg - KMALL  - Rev-I  - Supports Dual Heads and Multi Frequency

The Qinsy 9.4.3 KMALL drivers now support revision I of the KMALL format.

Qimera, FMGT and FMMW

Please be aware that FMGT and FMMW do not yet support dual head Kongsberg systems which output KMALL packet types.
This will be available soon and this message will be updated to reflect the version where support was added.

Qimera 2.4.3 supports revision I of the KMALL format.

Bathymetry data recorded in Qinsy (using the KMALL format) is supported in Qimera.

Multi-frequency support in Qimera and FMGT is being investigated at this time.

What does this mean
Data can then be sent on one port and by adding the "Head II" driver on that same port, Qinsy knows which data belongs to which head.

This means Qinsy now supports dual head setups, including the beam time series data (Raw Seabed Image) and Water Column data.

Affected drivers

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