Qinsy 9.2.0 - Resolved Bugs
On this page:
Bug Fixes
Below you will find listings of bugs which have been reported in previous releases and which have been solved for the Qinsy 9.2.0 release.
The QPS Support and Test Departments are testing reported cases from QINSy 8 with version 9.2.0 and newer versions to prevent issues becoming part of Qinsy 9.
Summary | Affects Version/s | Priority |
Setup - Database - Can't add, Object, system or node in Template DB setup | 9.1.1 | |
Setup - Database - Missing null transformation corrupts template database | 9.1.0 | |
Setup - Database - Object ID Reference not unique | 8.18.4 |
Summary | Affects Version/s | Priority |
Offline - Export - Generic - Exporting data logged from ini driver not working | 8.18.4 | |
Offline - Export - WCD - R2Sonic water column export as QWC, not WCD or R2S | 9.1.0 |
Survey Manager
Since Qinsy 9.0.0 the Processing Manager has changed into Survey Manager (64bit).
Bugs reported in the former Processing Manager (PM.NET) will mainly be fixed within the Survey Manager unless they are Critical/Blocker issues and were decided to be solved in QINSy 8.