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Planning - LinePlanning - History

For each line it is possible to see the History.
The history is stored in an XML file "Session.History.<Project Name>.xml" .
This XML can be found in the Project folder/Export/QMS.

By default not all columns are enabled.
To enable or disable columns use the right mouse button in the history dialog and select Layout - Columns.
Tick the columns which should be visible.
All information is available in the XML file independent from the columns visible in the user interface.

Line History
Line NameThe name of the line on which the actions were carried out. The actions are stored on time.
ActionThe actions carried out on the line. These are the same as the Status in the Planning dialog.

This is the prefix number set on the Storage page of the Session Setup.
If the prefix number option is enabled this value will increase with every recording action.
In case the option is disabled the number in the history is a fixed number.

Start DateStart date of the survey.
Start TimeStart time of the survey.
End DateEnd date of the survey.
End TimeEnd time of the survey.
DurationThe duration of the survey action in time.

At the beginning and at the end of each logging session the distance along and across the mainline is stored in the history XML.
This will result in two positions.
The distance between these two positions is shown here.
This could be either in Grid or True depending on the Global Settings as set under Options in the main menu.


The speed is a calculated value based on the duration and the distance as mentioned above.
The unit depends on the Global Settings as set under Options in the main menu.

First FixFirst fix number in the recorded database.
Last FixLast fix number in the recorded database.
Start MPMeter Point along the selected mainline where recording started. Shown as 'Offsets' in the selection list.
End MPMeter Point along the selected mainline where recording ended. Shown as 'Offsets' in the selection list.
Start OfftrackOfftrack distance from the mainline at the start of the recording. Shown as 'Offsets' in the selection list.
End OfftrackOfftrack distance from the mainline at the end of the recording. Shown as 'Offsets' in the selection list.
Template DbTemplate database used to record the database.
This will not be shown for a replayed database.
Raw DbDatabase where the data is recorded. Shown as 'Storage Db' in the selection list.
DTMDTM file created while recording or replaying the data.
Sounding GridSounding grid file filled while recording or replaying the data.

Name of the user performing the action.
User name is set at start-up of QINSy in case user support is enabled in the Global Settings under Options in the main menu.

<View in Browser>All the data which is present in the *.xml file can be viewed with a browser program and could be adjusted there.
Show history for all surveyed linesWhen activated, all Surveyed lines will be shown in this table.

It is possible to enter user defined comments for each item in the history.
Select an item and click on the <Comment> button to add text.

<Delete>Delete an item from the history list.
The item will be deleted from the XML file.
<Close>Close the Line History overview. Settings will be saved for the next time.

Return to: Line Databases
Return to: Line Planning

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