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Session Setup - Replay

This option allows the user to set the properties for replaying earlier recorded databases.
It is only available when the Controller is started from the Replay Manager.

Replay is identical to the Online program except that it reads raw data from the *.DB files rather than through IO. There are some real-time processes that are not applicable to replay sessions. For example, fixes are not generated.

Computation Trigger

The user can limit the maximum trigger frequency of the computations. This can be used to increase the replay speed for very fast updating positioning systems (e.g. Pos M/V, iXSea LandIns). What in fact happens is that raw positions are skipped from computation when the positioning system updates faster than the user defined limit.

If too many positions are skipped then the accuracy of the results may be affected.

In most cases the observations for attitude do not correspond to the actual time of the singlebeam/multibeam ping time. In order to derive the correct coordinates (X,Y and Z) for the time of the actual ping QINSy uses position interpolation for X and Y and the so-called “delta heave” method to derive the Z.
The position for the time of the ping is derived by interpolating between the 2 adjacent positions using the speed and COG.
For the height the “delta heave” method is used. First the height difference for the 2 adjacent height observations is computed. For the same period of time the heave difference is computed from the heave observation. In principle these differences should be the same. However, the heave observation may be affected by drift, so there a scale factor is computed which is applied to the heave observation so that heave and height show the same difference. The height for the time of the ping is computed by adding the scale factor corrected heave to the last height observation.

High position and height updates, for example from a 50Hz Hydrins or POSMV, do not often contribute to the horizontal and vertical accuracy of multibeam and laser data. High position and height updates however can cause performance issues during replay of the data: replay becomes a lot slower. Therefore it is recommend to reduce the number of position and height updates.
The above methods ensure that the position and height quality is not jeopardized. In case the recording is done with high update rates, it is recommended to use 5Hz to speed up the replay process.

Replay Speed

The following replay speeds can be selected: Fastest Possible, 10x down to 0.1x Recording time.
Usually the cycle time is used for demonstrating / training / testing.
The user can mimic the online situation by, for example, selecting 1x recording time, then the replay will take the same time as the online recording.

Replay Range

Replay the:

  • Entire database or only a specific part of the database that might have a special interest:
  • Partial (Fixrange) - A start and an end fix must be set.
  • Partial (Timespan) - A start time/date and an end time/date must be set.

Note that this option is not available when replaying multiple databases (batch replay).

Start at FixEnter a fix number within this line to start the Replay at. Note that this option is not available when replaying multiple databases (batch replay).
Stop at FixEnter a fix number within this line to stop the Replay at. Note that this option is not available when replaying multiple databases (batch replay).
Replay InformationThe information pane provides information about the database that will be replayed like the Database name, storage names of Sounding Grid and DTM files, Sailed lines, Start and End time / date, Fixes and Duration.

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