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Session Setup - Eventing

This page is used in case a generic event driver without User Interface (UI) is selected in the Database Setup.
The Event Definitions required by this driver can be found in an XML file created earlier with the I/O Driver Editor.

For a detailed explanation on how to set up the Eventing driver, how to activate it in the Database Setup and how to use it online, read our Knowledge Base document "Howto Eventing".

It is possible to make the events visible in the Navigation Display using the Layer Overview menu.
What exactly is visible is set in the same XML file mentioned above.

The I/O Driver Editor can be found in the lower pane of the QINSy Console.
If the I/O Driver Editor is not visible use the right mouse button menu to add it.

Eventing General Settings
Logging ModeSet when the events should be logged:
Enabled When Recording - Events are only logged when data is being recorded.
Enabled - Events are logged whenever QINSy is online.
Event DatabaseWhen fired the events can be stored in an event database (*.evtdb).
This file is only used for visibility of the events in the displays.
The events themselves are stored in the normal QINSy database.
Enter a name and location for this file using the browse button.
<Edit Events>Open a dialog which will give access to the stored events in the event database (*.evtdb).
These events can be edited and deleted.


Events are generated when a certain condition occurs.
Define which events should be fired on which occasion.
Every event is assigned to a node offset or a system.

Eventing Firing Setup
EventEnable an event.
Fires when ...

Decided in Driver - In the Database Setup the Manual generic driver is selected.
A separate dialog is available to manage and fire the events. This can be opened from the task bar at the bottom of your screen.
Fix is generated - This option is always available in case the generic driver without UI is selected in the Database Setup.
When a fix is fired an event will be fired too.
Properties for fixing can be set on the Fixing page of this Session Setup.
Dredger is dumping - Only available in case a dredging tool is available in the Database Setup.
This event will be fired based on the status of this dredging tool.
Dredger is dredging - Only available in case a dredging tool is available in the Database Setup.
This event will be fired based on the status of this dredging tool.
Material is placed by Grab - Only available in case a dredging tool is available in the Database Setup.
This event will be fired based on the status of this dredging tool.

System / NodeAssign the event to a system or node. Select these from the drop down menu.

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