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Qinsy 9.5.4 - Known Issues

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Qinsy 9.5.4 Release

The QPS team is continuously improving Qinsy to implement new functionality and documentation.
Unfortunately, there are a number of known issues in our software release.

These software issues will be solved in future maintenance releases.

Drivers - INS - SBG Systems - Data no longer decoded since quality is -1

After a firmware upgrade of the SBG system, the Qinsy driver is no longer accepting motion and heading data.
This is because the driver was checking quality values that have been removed from the format.

You can download the following patch:


Please read the text file that is in the zip file on how to install the patch.

This is an updated version of the driver that looks at newer location for quality values (which were added since firmware version 1.3).

Planned fix
The fix will be part on Qinsy 9.5.5.

Displays - Navigation - CAD

Converting a design file into a background file will not show lines when the start and end point of a line are outside the view. (Viewing Panel)

Do not convert design files into background files. If lines from a design are needed in the Navigation Display, then create a dedicated background file.

Displays - Navigation - CAD Survey Manager

The QPS team encountered a memory problem with CAD files which contain many complex blocks.

Do not use CAD files which contain many complex blocks. This bug will be solved in a future maintenance release.

Displays - Navigation - ENC Survey Manager

Both the Survey Manager and Navigation Display are not Per monitor DPI aware.
With two monitors, each with different display scales, the scale on the secondary monitor will not be correct.
This also affects the way the ENCs are drawn.

Please vote on: FQI-605

Survey Manager - Plan View - ENC

ENCs produced by Rijkswaterstaat for the Dutch province of Zeeland and ENCs produced by the Netherlands Hydrographic office cannot be displayed simultaneously due to the different usage levels and compilation scales of both producers.

For more information and updates:

Survey Manager - Sounding Grid - Import Geoid Model

Since Qinsy 9.5.0 it is possible again to import most Geoid models into a sounding grid.
The only Geoid models that cannot be imported yet, are the ones that cross the dateline (+180° East/West).

Please let us know if you do need to import such a model.

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