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Qinsy 9.5.1 - Improvements

Drivers - INS - Advanced Navigation - ANPP - Add TCP support

In Qinsy 9.4.4 we added support for the Spatial FOG Dual ANPP format.

The supported interface type was Serial.

In this version we also added support for TCP.

Drivers - Miscellaneous - Add all observation at once

For a Miscellaneous driver there are sometimes quite a lot of observations you can add.
Below you can see and example of the POSMV Binary format driver.

As of this version it is possible to add then simultaneously using this checkbox:

Generic Layout Editor

New operator - Ln (natural logarithm)

It is now possible to apply an Ln operator to values.

Note that the values can only be positive.

Added option to show True SOG

In previous version the Speed Over Ground (SOG) was always a Grid speed.
In this version you can now also show a True SOG.

Modified behavior of Remove button in Layout overview

Previously, when removing a sub-item, the parent item would remain visible even though it no longer had any sub-item.
In this release it will now automatically remove empty 'ghost' parent items.

Storage location of the default user settings

Previously, the user settings (GenericDefaults.xml) were stored in the Qinsy program installation folder.
From this release onward they are stored in the Qinsy public settings folder.

So a user with non-administrator rights will benefit from this.

Survey Manager - QPD - Change in selection

We reversed the selection method for QPD files.

In the previous version when you tried selecting QPDs, it was always looking at the footprints.
When you then pressed Shift it would only look at the QPD track.

In Qinsy 9.5.1 this has been reversed:

Drivers - Output - OPC UA - Add option to disable the client logging

In this version we added the option to disable the logging in the Settings dialog.

Improvements as listed in the Voting system

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