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Qimera Snapshot as Static Grid

How to Start

  • Extract Layer as Static Grid option from Dynamic Grid - Extract context menu in the Project Layers dock.

What it Does

Creates a snapshot of a dynamic grid as a static grid and adds it to the scene.

General Description

Use this option after selecting a dynamic grid to create a snapshot of the dynamic grid as a static grid.  The operation can be applied to the entire Dynamic Grid or simply a selection of the Dynamic Grid.

Slope Corrected Uncertainty

The Slope Corrected Uncertainty surface is created by looking at each cell's neighbours and adjusting the 95% CI Uncertainty to try to remove the effect of the regional slope. The slope calculation from the neighbouring cells is an approximation, as is the correction factor, so minor effects of slope will still be visible in some cases. This also means that if the uncertainty is already quite small, it will sometimes be reduced to zero.

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