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Qimera Scene Editor Toolbar

Qimera Scene Editor Toolbar

The Scene Editor Toolbar provides controls for the display of points by editors in the Scene. Editors and tools that display points in the Scene include Swath EditorSlice EditorPatch Test, and Wobble Analysis. These options are only available when one of the tools or editors is enabled. The most recent settings are remembered separately for each editor.

 Show Soundings

This option will show or hide the soundings in the Scene.

 Scene Point Size

This option will change the point size drawn in the Scene. This has the same options as the plots (sizes between Small and XX-Large) with the addition of a Match Plot option.  When Match Plot is selected it will match the Size option you select for the plot and will automatically update with changes to the plot option.

 A single click will cycle through the options, or a long mouse click will display a menu to pick from.

 Scene Point Color

This option will change the Color By mode for the Scene. This has the same options as the plot toolbars in the Swath Editor and Slice Editors. These options include: Match Plot, Vessel (shows default port/starboard color), File, System, Ping, Beam, Selection Depth (scaled to depth range of the plotted points in the Scene), Grid Color Map (depths colored by the color map of the currently selected Dynamic Grid), Intensity, Horizontal TPU, Vertical TPU, and Solid Color.  For LAS/LAZ files, there are also color by options for RGB and Classification.  When Match Plot is selected it will match the Color By option you select for the plot and will automatically update with changes to the plot option. If color by Line is used, you will see the color swatches appear next to the line name in the Project Sources Dock.

 A single click will cycle through the options, or a long mouse click will display a menu to pick from.

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