This dialog creates a new named system with the inputLocation, Offsets, and Uncertainty property settings for the specified system type.
General Description
The New System dialog (shown below) allows you to specify a name, system type and available settings for the system type. If creating a new system for ASCII or Binary Navigation Import the System Type will be preconfigured.
Either enter the appropriate Location, Offsets, and Uncertainty property settings or use Copy Values from Existing System... to copy and edit values from an existing system.
Copy System Properties
When Copy Values from Existing System... is clicked in the New System dialog the following dialog is shown. You can only copy from existing vessel systems.
The set of properties that are allowable for copy will depend on the type of system you are creating and the type of system that you are copying from. For example, you cannot copy the angular offsets or uncertainties of an existing motion sensor to a newly created position system. Once you have chosen which properties you wish to copy, these values will be used to populate the appropriate fields in the New System dialog. You can edit these values after you have copied them.