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Qimera Filter Profile Dock

How to Start

  1. Select the Filters Dock tab - initially located in the Project Layers tab group. 
  2. If hidden - Select the Filters Dock tab. This will be saved for the current workspace. 
  3. If hidden - Select Window Menu → Filters Dock. 

What It Does

The Filter Profile Dock allows the user to manage, configure and run their filter profiles. The Filter Profile dock shares many of the same features and links with the Qimera Filter Operation Toolbar. Filters will be run in sequence from top to bottom for the currently selected profile. Any filters that are unchecked will not be run within the profile. 

Dock Toolbar

The Filter Profile Dock toolbar contains elements for configuring, adjusting, and applying the filter profiles within Qimera. Numerous items within this toolbar are seamlessly interconnected with their respective counterparts in the  Qimera Filter Operation Toolbar which is found in Qimera's Main Toolbar.

 Manage Filter Profiles

This button will show the Qimera Manage Filter Profiles Dialog which will be configured with the currently selected filter profile. 

  Current Filter Profile Combo Box

This combo box showcases the presently active filter profile. All filtering operations will be executed based on the currently selected filter.  This list contains both custom and predefined filters. 

  Add New Filter 

This button facilitates the addition of a new filter to the existing filter profile. A comprehensive list of all available filters will be presented, accompanied by tooltips that can be activated through a brief mouseover. These tooltips provide concise explanations of each filter along with their respective properties.

  Run Filter Profile Inside Selection

This button executes the active filter profile on the chosen files for soundings falling within the current spatial selection.

  Run Filter Profile Everywhere

This button executes the active filter profile on the chosen files for all soundings regardless of any selection.

  Filter By System

This button presents a list of all systems that can be filtered. Within this list, you can selectively activate or deactivate the filtering for individual systems.


This button enables you to revert any alterations made to the presently active filter profile. Note that once the profile is changed, or if Qimera is closed, the profile will be automatically saved based on its current state and the undo stack will be cleared. 


This button enables you to revert any alterations made to the presently active filter profile. Note that once the profile is changed, or if Qimera is closed, the profile will be automatically saved based on its current state and the undo stack will be cleared. 

  Show Info Panel

This button will show and hide the Filter Information Panel. 

Filter Profile View 

The Filter Profile View provides a comprehensive list of the current filters within the active filter profile. It offers the capability to both configure and manage these filters. You can toggle filters on and off using checkboxes, fine-tune their settings by modifying relevant fields, and reposition them within the list to alter their order.

Item Context Menu 

Left mouse clicking will present a context menu allowing options that can be performed on the filters within the list and are as follows; 


This will delete the currently selected filter from the active filter profile.


This will duplicate the currently selected filter including all of its current settings. 

Move Up

This will move the currently selected filter up one level in the list. This action can also be performed using a drag and drop mouse action. 

Move Down

This will move the currently selected filter down one level in the list. This action can also be performed using a drag and drop mouse action. 

Expand All

This will expand all the fields within the the currently selected filter profile. 

Collapse All

This will collapse all the fields within the currently selected filter profile. 

Show/Hide Info Panel

This will show/hide the filter information panel at the bottom of the dock. 

Filter Information Panel 

This filter information panel shows information related to the currently selected filter in the active filter profile. This panel can be hidden using the button in the toolbar or by using the context menu item. 

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