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Qimera Extract Dynamic Grid Layer

How to Start

  • Extract Layer as Scalar option from Dynamic Grid - Extract context menu in the Project Layers dock.

What it Does

Extract a layer, such as the Sounding Density, from a dynamic grid and adds it to the scene as an Sd Object.  The layers available for extraction will vary depending on if the Dynamic Grid was created with the CUBE algorithm or not.  Standard Dynamic Grid only contain the Bin Count and the Uncertainty layers.  CUBE grids will also contain the CUBE Uncertainty, CUBE Number of Hypotheses and CUBE Hypothesis Strength.

Note that CUBE Uncertainty layer is different than the usual Dynamic Grid Uncertainty layer.

  • The regular Uncertainty layer for a Dynamic Grid reflects the standard deviation, scaled to 95% c.l., of all accepted soundings, regardless of whether or not they are used for a CUBE grid. It does not include rejected soundings in the calculation.
  • The CUBE Uncertainty layer reflects the standard deviation, scaled to 95% c.l., of the accepted soundings that contributed to the selected hypothesis.

In both cases, the standard deviation is scaled to 95% c.l. via the scaling factor of 1.96.

General Description

Use this option after selecting a dynamic grid to extract a property layer from a dynamic grid.  The operation can be applied to the entire Dynamic grid or simply a selection of the Dynamic grid.

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