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Qimera Cell Info Dialog

Starting Qimera v2.7.0 the Dynamic Grid Menu has been removed and the Cell-Info Dialog has been replaced with the Cell-Properties Dock.

How to Start

  • Show Cell Info option from Dynamic Grid menu of Main Menu bar

What it Does

This dialog shows the attribute values for a cell of a dynamic grid that the cursor is hovering over.

General Description 

After selecting a dynamic grid from the layers window, Qimera will utilize this dialog for viewing Cell information. The Cell Information will not just show cell information for the selected Dynamic Grid from the the layers window, but rather from any dynamic grid that the cursor is hovering over. Qimera will use the x,y position of the cursor and match that up with a Cell from the dynamic grid that the cursor is hovering over. The Cell Information dialog will display X, Y position of the cursor, the Sounding Density, the Uncertainty, and the Average, Deep and Shallow Depth values. If CUBE is included with the Dynamic Grid, it will also display the CUBE depth value, the number of hypothesis, the Hypothesis Uncertainty, and the Hypothesis Strength values.

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