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Qimera 2.7.2 Release

February 14, 2025

We are pleased to present Qimera 2.7.2. 


  • Added the option to apply the filter when in filter preview mode in the slice editor. Just use the Run Filter Profile button to apply the filter.

  • When saving a vessel configuration, you can now choose your own filename and the save folder.

  • Improved shading of features to make them more pronounced.

  • A new option was added to resize selections from only the opposite edge or corner. This is stored in Qimera’s Preferences, General tab.

  • Added a new button to add additional tide stations, when creating a new tide strategy.

  • Added a new option to Save and Load Qimera’s preferences. This allows for sharing preferences between users or computers.

  • Added a new option to Save and Load Workspaces. This allows for sharing workspaces between users or computers.


  • Processing / Source Files

    • Fixed an issue with water column not displaying for certain Norbit .s7k files.

    • Fixed an issue where lines would fail to remove from a dynamic grid.

    • Fixed an issue with the Grid Difference. There will not be interpolation for grids with the same resolution and a warning was added for grids of different resolutions where interpolation can affect the results.

  • Tools and Editors

    • Fixed an issue with the grid statistics showing an incorrect Count for grids that contain cells with hit counts larger than 500.

    • Fixed an issue with the Free Slice Select continuously saving the visited areas while dragging the sub selection.

    • Fixed a crash on selected areas with no data and large number of points in the 3D Editor.

    • Fixed an issue where rejecting the SD values in the Time Series Editor wasn’t rejecting the actual observations and triggering reprocessing.

    • When loading an SD object into the Geopick Tool with an active Route, KP and DX values will be automatically computed.

    • Added the ability to resize the Crosscheck plot.

    • Fixed an issue with the Varying Vertical Shift Tool when systems are disabled.

    • Zoom home in the SVP Editor will now zoom to the extents of the checked SVP profiles. To zoom to a single SVP profile, right-click and “Check Only Selected”, then click Zoom home.

    • Fixed an issue displaying Kongsberg water column data.

  • Importing / Exporting

    • Fixed an issue with BAG export from qimera-command where holes would appear in the exported BAG grid.

    • Fixed an issue with dual swath Norbit systems exporting to GSF to ensure ping alignment between swaths.

    • Added an option to Configure for “Apply Edits From…” when exporting to FAU. This allows for FAU edits to be applied back to the QPDs in Qimera.

    • Fixed a crash when importing .vel sound velocity files.

    • Fixed an issue where True Heave file import was not completing due to a long filename.

    • Added an option to export the vertical referencing method to the NOAA CSV export.

    • Fixed an issue with the grid uncertainty export to KML showing a single color.

    • Fixed an issue when exporting to GSF with extended ASCII characters in the filename.

    • Fixed an issue with .nav files not being imported.

  • Other

    • Changed the default behavior when a selection is present to work on the entire grid rather than just the selection. For example, if a selection is present and a new grid is created it will default to not limit the grid bounds to the selection.

    • Fixed a Geodetic issue where Points export was not in the same geographic location as the grid. The affected CRS was NAVD88 and the vertical datum was affected.

Known Issues

  • Importing depth observations through ASCII Navigation or Binary Navigation import automatically sets the vertical referencing method in the processing settings to Tide, even when Tide data is unavailable. This can prevent processing from occurring. To resolve this issue, ensure that the Vertical Referencing Method is adjusted to the appropriate setting required for your data.

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