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Qimera 2.7.0 Release

October 4th, 2024

We're pleased to present Qimera version 2.7.0. In this release, we introduce a few new features, with a focus on cleaning, speed and usability. Read below for details.


  • Colormaps

  • Flag Grid Cells

  • New Cleaning Project

  • Usability updates

  • QPD edit files

  • Parallel Gridding

  • and more!

Voting System

In this release, we have completed 4 feedback items, which satisfies 47 votes. For more information, see our Voting system Policy  and Using the Voting System

The Feedback Project helps us to continue improving our software products. At the moment, our Voting System is down as described at the top of the Voting system Policy page. Despite the system being inaccessible for voting for a short period, we still use it to prioritize developments while we await a solution from our provider, Atlassian.

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