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Qimera 2.0.0 - Bugs


Crash on import of HSX with more than three sonars and laser scanners

Vertical exaggeration now scaling correctly for laser scanner data in the 3D Editor for non-metric units

Export of GSF from a GSF that was imported can now support disabling inclusion of raw backscatter imagery

Import of multiple Caris HIPS format .svp files at once no longer results in duplicate SVPs in Qimera

Creation of median filtered static surface now handles static grid file sizes beyond 2GB

Improved interpolation of height and position between survey lines that are broken into file segments

Licensing system improved to make it more tolerant to slight delays in the license check over the internet for softlock

NOAA TCARI tide solutions are working again

Improved stability of GSF export for R2Sonic systems logged in Qinsy

Fixed bug with SVP import and vessel assignment after renaming of a vessel

Improved detection of SBET SMRMSG file when folder or path names contain the word SBET

Added warnings to inform users when sub-surface vehicles do not have pressure or depth sensors

Correct scaling of static vertical geodetic offsets for projects using non-metric projections

Patch test tool was drawing soundings in white on a white background after a certain number of lines were loaded

Vessel Editor selection of survey line for creation of new vessel configuration now uses correct date/time from the line

Fixed updating of Dynamic Surface during Editing when it is configured to update Manually or after Only After Processing

File table now displays corresponding QPD files names for .fau files

QPD filenames, as reported in the 3D Editor, were incorrect after removing and appending lines from a Dynamic Surface

HSX with more than one MBES system is now supported, previously this crashed

Fixed alignment issues with CUBE custom hypothesis and S57 object created from it

When you delete a Dynamic Surface from the project but leave the files on disk, you can now create a new Dynamic Surface with the original deleted name

Browse for color map from the 3D Editor preferences now points to the correct default location for color maps

Improved status bar read out of position, height, etc. when an active "Highlight" layer is selected for a Dynamic Surface

Improved how Qinsy online quick blocking is handled when some pings at file beginning and/or ending do not have enough ancillary sensor data for processing in real-time but do in post-processing

Removed incorrect reporting of custom geodetic configurations from geotiff geodetic file headers

26 issues

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