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How-to Filter Operations and Filtering Profiles

This document describes how to set up a Filter profile and how to apply it.
The filtering profile is a scheme that allows for applying preconfigured or customized filters in a specified order.  

On this page:

You will find the filter buttons on the Filter Operation toolbar, on the Bathymetry toolbar. 

The filter buttons have the following meaning:

  1. Define a new filter profile or edit a filter profile
  2. Filter selection drop down 
  3. Selection of exclusion mask
  4. Apply filter inside selection
  5. Apply filter everywhere

When the Slice Editor is open, the last two drop down menus will be greyed out and inactive. To apply the filter while the Slice Editor is open, click on the Run Filter Profile button

in the Slice Editor action bar. Filters run in the Slice Editor will only affect data that is currently loaded in the Slice Editor window.

Preconfigured Filters

The first two sections of the filter drop down contain preconfigured spline filters and 'Other Operations'.
Information regarding these operations can be found in the Qimera Filter Operation Toolbar documentation.

Custom Filter Profiles

This article describes two methods:

  • Method 1: Defining a filter profile for a single filter
  • Method 2: Defining a filter profile for a series of filters that can be run in the order specified by the user

Method 1: Defining a filter profile for a single filter 

  1. Click on Create new filter profile 
     This opens the Manage filter profiles dialog

  2. Click New and give the filter profile a descriptive name so it's easily found in the filter drop down list
  3. Then, on the right side in the dialog, click + and choose the action that belongs to this filter. In this example, the data will be shifted down by 20 meters. Click OK to close
  4. See how your filter is added to the filters drop down list
  5. Confirm the newly created filter has become the active filter

  6. Choose the files or surface you want to apply the filter to by selecting them in either the Source file or Project Layers menu. For a start you can preview the results in Slice Editor, steps below explain how to do this.
    The advantage of previewing in the Slice Editor is that the filter application can be rolled back by clicking on the 'Undo' button.
  7. Select an area using one of the selection tools in the Qimera 4D Scene Toolbar
    1. If needed, save your polygon to have it available for future filtering. To do so, select Create Line Object From Current Selection from the layers drop down menu.

    2. In order to make a newly saved or newly imported polygon the selection for the filtering, just right mouse click on the SD line object in Project layers dock and choose Use Line as Selection.

  8. Launch the Slice Editor in order to preview the filtered data. When the preview is not needed, you can skip step 10-11
  9. To preview the filter In Slice Editor, click on
  10. If you're happy with the result you can apply the filter while remaining in preview-mode by clicking on
    . You can also exit preview-mode before applying the filter, or you can also exit the Slice Editor and apply the filter to any files or surface files by selecting them in either the Source file or Project Layers menu. When you want to exclude an area you can select the exclusion mask. More info can be found here. If you're not happy with the results, click on the Undo button or Ctrl+Z hotkey to undo.
  11. If you wish to run the filter without previewing click
  12. Choose whether the filter must be applied inside or outside the spatial selection or anywhere (entire survey, this may take a while for the filter to finish).

Method 2: Defining a filter profile for a series of filters that can be run in specified order

  1. Follow steps 1 to 4, as explained above. Then add your second or third or n filter to the profile, and save.
  2. You can change the order of the filters. Click OK when your filter profile is complete. It can always be modified later.
  3. Repeat steps 5-13 of method described above (Method 1)

    If you're not certain what the effect of a filter is, then first  try the single filter before running the filter profile.  The filters defined in the profile will be run in the order as defined in the filter profile setup.

Related articles:

How-to Work with Slice Editor

Qimera Filter Operation Toolbar

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