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How-to Combine your Fledermaus and Qimera Server Licenses

This article will help you combine your existing Fledermaus server license with your Qimera license.

On this page:

This guide is for the old style server licenses, in use prior to Fledermaus 7.8.0 and Qimera 1.6.0. If you have those versions or newer, please see our new License Server documentation: License Manager Documentation

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open your Fledermaus and Qimera license files in your favourite text editor.
  2. Copy the license feature lines from the Qimera license and paste them in to your Fledermaus license.
  3. Save this new license file as "fmqmcombined.lic" for example. See example below.
  4. In the LMTools manager edit your "Path to the license file" and point it to the new combined license file. For more information on the LMTools License manager please see License Server Installation
  5. Save the service then click the "Start Server" button in the Start/Stop/Reread tab in the LMTools Manager

Example combined server license

SERVER license7 123456789012
Vendor ivs
FEATURE fm3deditor ivs 7.2 permanent 30 SIGN="04A2 8909 E77B 755A \
	8FD4 04DA 33DD 97AD C3B3 77E7 6679 1663 73B0 9A85 0522 0DE8 \
	939B FAD3 1A59 ED68 B4B2 97A2 9488 3904 E098 4E09 029E A36C \
	1B48 A094"
FEATURE fmcmdop ivs 7.2 permanent 30 SIGN="0F71 08CB CF52 86CC 6424 \
	74FA DB24 84B9 5301 BE34 F117 D890 B860 7E3B 1CA8 12EA 9F26 \
	C5A9 EA55 D4C3 164A FE25 18B4 A334 5960 80A4 0F64 2360 EBA2 \
FEATURE fmcrosscheck ivs 7.2 permanent 30 SIGN="16D5 6341 0277 B857 \
	616B 0573 F924 C95B FE1F D64E 56D9 7F90 606B 75F7 A8E1 036D \
	514E C742 E378 03AD BC69 74E1 35F2 8BE4 A5C4 E7F2 9B75 7EC1 \
	3B4C 01A7"
FEATURE fmdmagic ivs 7.2 permanent 30 SIGN="09D6 BAC7 A047 77B8 6908 \
	480C C25C 6E29 BC90 7348 1CF0 217F 0B99 7C88 7C0F 10C3 B455 \
	F6BD 245C AB8F 8CCA F239 63A0 6011 E110 6395 572D 45A2 E7AC \
FEATURE fmfledermaus ivs 7.2 permanent 30 SIGN="0D6C 1923 98CC 5A1D \
	7F17 6554 F37E 5388 547B D1D1 C631 E6B9 C39A DC7F C8D1 0E8F \
	574E 7B0C BF9B 4140 1F95 4814 B08E AF2C 2A71 7A95 5ED7 2304 \
	37C6 5CDE"
FEATURE fmgeocoder ivs 7.2 permanent 30 SIGN="1C61 0CA5 CB15 CDF5 \
	F750 6D95 D153 B545 F644 DED5 711C 9D08 25E9 F5F5 5FA8 14E9 \
	7611 FDFE F0EE E974 AFBE 39BE 46C1 13AF A7A1 3AF2 11C5 35CB \
	DE86 65D3"
FEATURE qmcore ivs 7.2 permanent 8 TS_OK SIGN="088D 4CCE B6E4 5E5D \
	2A0A 0E7F DD6F D8F3 30C1 C1C9 6D6D A123 2A57 7A9C A663 1F63 \
	130D 579C 84F7 2B4F 7A8B 1121 17B8 D1F5 F7C9 3459 2464 F4AC \
	C71F 1C06"
FEATURE qmqinsy ivs 7.2 permanent 8 TS_OK SIGN="0EE5 DECB 04AD 3F10 \
	1763 0255 F74F 8971 3022 2D22 BB02 1BFA D645 FE4C 78AF 01EB \
	4D50 5A06 E244 ACE7 596B 709A DEA8 F099 26B5 2CDE FDB9 2E98 \
	8C3A 2BCD"
FEATURE qmrawformats ivs permanent 8 TS_OK SIGN="0621 964C 4B48 \
	607A AD44 F24D AB00 241D D0D9 C845 4870 22E8 C4FD 71D3 BDEC \
	15E0 6E8B 497C D378 129A 5D7F FE5E ED09 E1EF D032 DCF1 3C08 \
	CF95 7F28 AA5B"

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