Changes affecting Kongsberg .all users - Qimera 1.1.3 and later
- What was the problem? The time stamp for position and height data in .all files was being read from the NMEA string in all cases, even if the user had configured SIS to use the system time.
- Who is affected? This will affect Qimera users who import .all data. If you have pre-existing projects, you may want to re-import your navigation. New projects will correctly respect the timing settings that were configured during acquisition. If you have existing projects where you have already imported and applied a different source of navigation, e.g. an SBET file, you are not affected.
- What is the effect? If you are affected, you may have been seeing slight along-track positional errors that would be consistent with the same type of error you would get from a position time latency.
- What should you do?
- The bug fix will address this for new projects, no action or change in your workflow is required for a new project.
- For existing projects created in older versions of Qimera, you may want to take advantage of the new fix. This is done by opening your existing projects in the new version of Qimera (1.1.3 or later), select the .all files in your project, navigate to Tools -> Manual Processing -> Rescan Time Series Data. This will launch a new dialog in which you should select Position and Height for re-import. This will re-extract the position data from the selected .all files and will apply the correct time stamp. This will necessarily mark the selected files as requiring re-processing. Re-process the data and your QPDs will then be updated for the correct navigation. Re-navigation is a fast re-processing step compared to re-ray tracing so the time impact should be minimal for most users. Dynamic Surfaces that use the affected QPDs will update automatically unless you have turned off automatic updates.
- For large projects, you can determine if you are affected by following the above procedure with slight differences:
- Open your existing project in the new version of Qimera
Select a single line, create a Static Surface for this line, name it “Before”.
- Re-scan the navigation and height data as instructed above for this single line only.
- Re-process the single line.
- Create a 2nd Static Surface for this line, name it “After”
- Select the two surfaces and compare to see if there is a change. If there is a difference, then you should re-scan the Position and Height for all of your .all files.
- How can you get help? Contact us if you would like help determining if you are affected by this or if you have questions: QPS Support