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Qimera Tide Station Dialog

How to Start

What it does

The dialog allows for creating or editing a Tide Station that can be used as a tide source for vertical referencing.

General Description

Tide Stations are used for grouping tide data files from the same source and using those files for tide correction in vertical referencing or in Tide Strategies.

After creation a tide station's Unique ID, Recorded Time Zone, and Recorded Unit are no longer modifiable unless all tide files are removed from the station.

The various fields of the dialogue are described below.

Display Name and Unique ID

The Display Name and Unique ID are used for identifying stations throughout Qimera. Other than display they are also used for matching new tide files during import to the station when the format supports header data.

Both fields can be identical as long as the ID is unique in the project. In many cases though tide gauges will have a unique numeric identifier which may not be useful for identifying and instead a location name may be used for the Display Name.

Coordinate System and Coordinates

By selecting the appropriate Coordinate System the station coordinates can be entered in either geographic or projected.

Station coordinates are optional but must be set for the station to be used in an interpolated or distance weighted Tide Strategy.

Geographic Coordinates

Projected Coordinates

Recorded Time Zone

The Recorded Time Zone specifies the time zone of the tide measurements in tide files imported to the station. On import this setting is used to transform tide data imported to the station into the project time frame, which is UTC.

Recorded Unit

The Recorded Unit specifies the units and the sign convention of the tide measurements in tide files imported to the station. Both settings are applied on import of a tide file. The unit setting is used to transform tide heights into the project units specified in the project coordinate system. The sign convention is used to convert to the application reference frame which is "Positive Upward" for tides. The sign convention is set to "Positive Upward" by default, an example of when it should be set to "Positive Downwards" is if tide values get increasingly positive as the tide goes out.

Recorded Datum

The Recorded Datum is for informational purposes only and is not used for any transformation of tide values.

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