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Technical Information

Supported Operating Systems

The License Manager runs on a variety of operating systems; Windows and Linux. License Manager is guaranteed to run on the officially supported systems outlined below. License Manager may run successfully on other systems, however QPS supports no warranty in that case. For information on the minimum system requirements for PC systems, please see our Fledermaus Operating Systems page

Note that the in-app License Manager has the same requirements as the application that runs it.

Windows Platforms
  • Windows 10* (64 bit)

  • Windows 11 (64-bit)

Macintosh Platforms
  • License Manager is not deployed as a stand-alone application on macOS.  The in-app License Manager has the same requirements as the application used to run it.

Linux Platforms

Where License Manager is distributed as a stand-alone application on Linux, the following distros are supported. 

Check the Installation Guidelines for further requirements, guidelines or libraries, in particular if the app does not start.

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 (64 bit) (CentOS 7)

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (64-bit) (Rocky Linux 8) – Requires, currently does not work with Wayland (app will fail to start with an error about wayland).

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as of 22.04.1 – Requires, currently does not work with Wayland (app will fail to start with an error about wayland).

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