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FMGT - Status Bar

The Status Bar shown in the Status Bar figure displays the current Map View coordinates of the cursor when it is over the Map View panel. It also displays the value of the visual layer under the cursor. If you are over the mosaic, it will display the backscatter value. If you are over an ARA or statistic layer, the status will tell you what value you are seeing as shown in the ARA and Statistical Layer Status figures below.

Status Bar

ARA and Statistical Layer Status

The currently monitored directly will be displayed after the Directory= portion of the status line. If directory monitor is off, it will indicate Off.

The widget at the end of the status bar indicates the current application memory usage for FMGT. As you approach the memory limits imposed by either the platform build (32-bit vs. 64-bit) or the physical memory, the widget will go from green to yellow to red. This widget is only available on the Windows version of FMGT.

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