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FMGT - Mosaic Information Panel

Mosaic Information Panel

The Mosaic Information Panel shown in the Mosaic Information Panel figure displays details about the current survey area or the selected area using the Area Selection tool. The width and height of the mosaic area are displayed in meters and pixels.

Mosaic Information Panel

Pixel Size Edit Dialog

The amount of memory needed to allocate the mosaic for processing is also displayed. If the number is green, it is within the tolerance of the current binary and its associated memory limits. The mosaic and statistic pixel sizes are also displayed. The initial value is pre-computed by FMGT during coverage processing and is an estimate based on the sonar beam configuration and along track coverage. These are automatically computed by FMGT but can be overridden at any time. The Edit button will allow editing of the mosaic and/or statistic pixel sizes as well as providing a button to Compute Suggested Size, which will calculate the nominal mosaic pixel size according to the active source files in the project and the selected backscatter source. This is useful if the user changes to a custom resolution but desires to get back to the resolution as computed by FMGT, but it is otherwise unnecessary to click this during normal operations where a user simply wants a mosaic.

Gridding Diameter is the size (in pixels) of the gridding window for statistics and gridding. A 3 pixel window means that a 3x3 box containing 9 pixels will be affected when gridding a backscatter value.

Nadir Distance Weighting determines the distance across track, from nadir, of a backscatter sample. The further from nadir the sample falls, the higher the weight. This prioritizes swath edge data over near-nadir data.

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