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Fledermaus 7.3.0 and ArcGIS 10

In order to have Fledermaus 7.3.0 see the ArcGIS 10 install, you need to make sure you have the following:

  • You have a license with the FMGIS feature enabled.
  • You have the ArcGIS 10 Engine Runtime installed.

The first thing to check is to go to the Help > About Fledermaus.... menu option. In the dialog window click the "Show Licenses" button. This will tell you several things that are important. From here you can look at your license file which should show FMGIS as being licensed and in green. Then at the bottom of the window you will see a Esri License Information section. This should state that the Esri software and license is found. If this is not found please contact the IVS 3D Support Team.


Please check our Esri ArcGIS Support page for details on which versions of ArcGIS Desktop are supported.

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