Fledermaus Viewer User Guide

What is Fledermaus Viewer?
Fledermaus Viewer is a free utility for viewing Fledermaus object files and scenes. It provides a subset of the functionality of the full Fledermaus application, allowing the user to open scenes, load object files, explore in 4D, as well as play presentations.
Fledermaus Viewer is a powerful tool for sharing rich, interactive deliverables to your customers. Create a beautiful, informative scene showcasing your data in Fledermaus, then just share the project and the Fledermaus installer with you customers, allowing them to really explore and understand the data.
Fledermaus Viewer directly replaces the iView4D utility from the Fledermaus 7 software suite.
How does one get Fledermaus Viewer?
Fledermaus Viewer is included as part of every Fledermaus 8 installation and is launched via its own desktop shortcut.

No software activation or hardware dongle is required to run Fledermaus Viewer. It is completely free to use.
How does one use Fledermaus Viewer?
Fledermaus Viewer provides the exact same user interface as Fledermaus, just far less of it. Fledermaus Viewer excludes all the data import, export, processing, and analysis tools (with the exception of basic profiling and measuring tools) normally found in the full application. Everything else works the same.
For more details, consult the Fledermaus Reference Manual.