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Fledermaus Reference Manual

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Introduction to Fledermaus

The Fledermaus application provides a powerful set of interactive 4D visualization tools for data preparation, analysis and presentation. It allows one to assemble and explore a virtual 4D world containing many object types including surfaces, images, points, lines,  midwater data, cross-sections and many more. The software is tailored for but not limited to the display of marine geospatial data, and can handle both projected and geographic data sources for most object types.

Fledermaus has been designed specifically to allow near real-time, interactive display of very large complex 3D objects at their full resolution. Fledermaus features a custom rendering engine, which automatically adjusts the amount of detail in a scene based on the performance of your hardware. Two visualization interfaces are provided that allow you to literally fly through the virtual 3D-exploration space. This makes the exploration of data a simple and intuitive process. The exploration environment is closely coupled with intuitive data analysis tools, which help delve into the information behind the imagery for detailed analysis and understanding.

The Fledermaus package allows the import of a wide variety of data formats and creates richly featured 3D models. For examples: one can generate a simple 3D surface color banded by height; or a high-resolution satellite image can be draped over the same 3D surface producing a combined 3D model. Many objects can be visualized in the same 4D scene main visualization space, such as, two 3D surfaces show a shipping channel, one from before a dredging operation and one after the completed operation; add a model of the channel design and you have a complete, obvious representation of the design and the results of the dredging work all in a single 4D scene. Additional tools provide quantitative analysis such as queries to determine how much material was dredged. Data files produced in Fledermaus can be distributed to anyone along with an unlicensed Fledermaus Viewer version which provides a free interactive 3D viewer for these data sets.

Fledermaus Reference Manual Table of Contents:

Shortcuts for other Fledermaus Product and Add-on Documentation:

Fledermaus Geocoder Toolkit Reference Manual and How-to FMGT 

Fledermaus Midwater Add-on Reference Manual and How-to FMMW 

Fledermaus 7.8.X reference manual

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