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Fledermaus Reproject Coordinate System Dialog

Reproject Coordinate System Dialog

How to Start

Reproject Coordinate System Dialog from Operations Menu

What it Does

The Reprojection dialog can be used to change an image from one projection to another, such as from Lat/Lon to UTM. The first step in the process is to select what operation to perform using the drop down list at the top of the dialog. Depending on which operation you select, you may then have to enter some additional information about the image. 

General Description

 The selected object can be reprojected in to a different coordinate system than the original import. 

Coordinate Reference System

This field contains the coordinate system the object will be changed to.


Stands for the European Petroleum Survey Group. These codes are a set of geodetic parameters used to represent projected, unprojected and local coordinate system definitions. More information can be found here

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