Fledermaus Project Dock
Project Dock
Project Dock
The Project Dock tab as shown in the figure above allows the user to interact with QPS Projects. The entry field at the top shows the current active project. The (recycle) button will re-read the project from disk and update the dock contents accordingly. The Close button will close the current project so it is not part of the current scene. When a project is loaded the rest of the dock will be filled in with the various project sections from raw data files to processed files in the project. When you right click on files different context menu options will be presented depending on the data type selected to perform actions on the selected files.
This document is organized using numbers to match operations to the context menus they show up in. For example an operation labelled (2,3) shows up in menus 2 and 3.
General Context Menu (Menu 1)
.sd File Context Menu (Menu 2)
Processed Point Files Context Menu (Menu 3)
Image Files Context Menu (Menu 4)
Drag and Drop
It is now possible to drag any object from the Project dock to the scene window or to the Objects panel. The object being dragged may be placed in a specific location in the Objects panel, for example in a group, or just dropped onto the Objects panel in which case it will be added to the end of the list of objects in that panel.
Context Menu Operations
Add to Scene (1,3)
Adds the object to the current scene.
Import to Scene (2)
Opens a dialog allowing you to add an object to the scene that requires an upgrade or some parameters.
Import Image (4)
Lets you import various image file formats into Fledermaus as geoimage files.
Create Surface from Points (3)
Opens the Data Gridding Wizard which allows you to create a new surface from the points in the selected object.
Create Terrain Mesh from Points (3)
Allows you to create a new terrain mesh from the points in the selected object.
Add as a Trackline (3)
Allows you to create a trackline from selected qpd files.