Fledermaus Interpolate Surface Dialog
Interpolate Surface Dialog
How to Start
Scene Objects Dock → Right-Click on Object → Operations → Interpolate
Scene Objects Dock → Operations → Interpolate
What it Does
The surface interpolation tool allows for small holes in a surface or scalar to be filled in using values from one or more of the surrounding cells.
General Description
Four options are available for determining the interpolated values:
Average: Calculates the average value of all surrounding cells
Minimum Value: Uses the maximum of all surrounding cells
Maximum Value: Uses the minimum of all surrounding cells
Fixed Value: Uses the value supplied by the user
Once the interpolation method has been chosen, the next step is to determine what cells will be filled in by the interpolator. This is done by setting the minimum number of neighbours required for a cell to be filled in, ranging from 1 to 8. You can also set the number of times the algorithm runs over the entire grid by setting the Number of Iterations pull down menu.