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Fledermaus Export to Image Dialog

Export to Image Dialog

How to Start

Export to Image Dialog from Export Menu

What it Does

This dialog is used to save a georeferenced image file (TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TFW), of the surface.

This dialog allows you to save an image as seen in the Fledermaus display, or an exact pixel export.

The exact pixel export only contains the false-color image, without any shading, of the surface.  These colors may be directly referenced to the colormap.  This is useful to reference heights accurately by color since there would be no color shifts caused by the presence of shadows. 

General Description

 Choose the image type by selecting the file format from the Format drop down. 

To write a TIFF World File*, the check box must be selected to allow the user to choose the origin. The origin options include: Lower Left Origin, or  ESRI Upper Left Origin.

If you would like an exact pixel export check the "Exact Pixel Export" check box. When doing an exact pixel export the scale factor option is unavailable. 

When exporting an image of the surface as seen in the Fledermaus display the image size that is produced can be adjusted using the scale factor. 

*Note that TFW file's with the ESRI Upper Left Origin, are compatible with most major GIS packages. TIFF files will be written as GeoTIFFs with full georeferencing information.

Output Example 

Exact Pixel Export:                                                                                                                                           As Seen in Fledermaus Display:


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