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Fledermaus Export to ArcGIS® Dialog

In order to use the Arc Geodatabase tools you will need a Fledermaus 8 FMGIS license as well as an ESRI license.
You will also need to install ArcGIS Desktop version 10.1 and above, as well as the same version of ArcGIS Desktop Background Geoprocessing 64bit.

Export to ArcGIS Dialog

How to Start

Export to ArcGIS Dialog from Export Menu

What it Does

This feature allows the user to export the scene object(s) to an ArcGIS geodatabase (.gdb). 

General Description

The selected scene object(s) can be exported directly to an ArcGIS geodatabase (.gdb) in order to integrate visualization with ESRI products. 

Select the image-20250117-144640.png to designate your path. In order to successfully export your scene object(s) to ArcGIS, a geodatabase folder is required. You will be given the option to either create a new geodatabase (.gbd) or select an existing one. 

In the Create/Open ArcGIS Connection dialogue:

Create a new geodatabase (.gdb): Select Create a New ESRI Geodatabase, and File Geodatabase as type. You will be able to name your .gdb when you designate your file path. 

Use an existing ESRI Database: Select Connect to an existing ESRI Database and Folder as type. You will be able to name your .gdb when you designate your file path. 

Once this is completed, the geodatabase (.gdb) will appear in the Arc Tab next to your scene window and will contain the object(s) exported. 

More details on connecting to and transferring files from an ESRI geodatabase are found in Fledermaus External Data Dock.

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