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Fledermaus Export to 3D PDF Dialog

Export to 3D PDF Window

How to Start

Export to 3D PDF in Exports drop down

Export to 3D PDF right-click scene object

What it Does

This feature is used to export the scene objects as a 3D PDF which can then be loaded in Adobe Acrobat Reader or other compatible 3D PDF readers. The scene's vertical exaggeration is used in the export.  

General Description

This feature is ideal for use in restrictive IT environments. The surface will be rendered in 3D PDF compatible readers as a 3D object for interactive viewing.  Beware that such readers have difficulty loading or rendering surfaces of more than four million cells (2,000 x 2,000 cells).  Crop or reduce the size of the surface before exporting to work around this issue. Due to how the internal 3D PDF formal is arranged, the 3D PDF file will be approximately 4 to 5 times bigger than the surface SD file. 

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