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Fledermaus Export BAG Surface Wizard

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This dialog is launched via the Fledermaus Visual Objects, Operations, & Exports.  This option allows the current selected Dynamic Surface to be exported to a bag surface.

Page 1

The "Depth Layer" dropdown allows you to select the specific depth layer you wish to export during the BAG export process. This dropdown menu is automatically populated with the depth layer currently displayed based on what you have selected in the Fledermaus Scene Objects Dock.

The "Select Uncertainty" radio button is initially configured based on what you have selected in the Fledermaus Scene Objects Dock.

For example, if a single Dynamic Surface is selected and doesn't include CUBE then "Standard Deviation" will be set initially. However, if you selected  a single Dynamic Surface that includes CUBE then "CUBE Uncertainty" will be initially set.

Project Layers SelectionInitial Radio Button Option
Single Dynamic SurfaceStandard Deviation
Single Dynamic Surface with CUBECUBE Uncertainty
Single Dynamic Surface with attached ScalarAttached Scalar
Multiselect Dynamic Surface and Scalar Object (e.g. TVU)Loaded Scalar (.scalar) Object

You can choose to override this option. For example, if CUBE Uncertainty is initially set, you can change to Standard Deviation instead.

Some options may be unavailable. For example, if the current selected Dynamic Surface doesn't include CUBE, then the option for "CUBE Uncertainty" will be greyed out.

When multiselecting, the loaded scalar will be automatically selected from the list of available scalars. Alternatively, you can single select a dynamic surface and pick a scalar from the list of loaded scalars after the fact.

When multiselecting more than one Dynamic Surface a batch export will be performed (Note: In this mode, the first page of the wizard is skipped).

If you chose CUBE Uncertainty then the uncertainty layer will come from the CUBE surface. 

Radio Button OptionResulting BAG Uncertainty
Standard DeviationSurface Standard Deviation
CUBE UncertaintyCUBE Surface Uncertainty
Attached ScalarSurface Attached Scalar is used as Uncertainty
Loaded Scalar (.scalar) objectThe Loaded Scalar is used as Uncertainty.

Note that CUBE Uncertainty layer is different than the usual Dynamic Surface Uncertainty layer.

  • The regular Uncertainty layer for a Dynamic Surface reflects the standard deviation, scaled to 95% c.l., of all accepted soundings, regardless of whether or not they are used for a CUBE surface. It does not include rejected soundings in the calculation.
  • The CUBE Uncertainty layer reflects the standard deviation, scaled to 95% c.l., of the accepted soundings that contributed to the selected hypothesis.

In both cases, the standard deviation is scaled to 95% c.l. via the scaling factor of 1.96.

Page 2

This will launch a file browser to select the name for the exported BAG.

Page 3

 This dialog simply gathers all the metadata information that can be stored with a bag surface. 

The Vertical Uncertainty tag will be initially set based on the option you chose on page 1:

For example, if you chose "CUBE Uncertainty" on page 1, then Vertical Uncertainty will be initially set to "cubeUncert" on page 2.

Page 1 OptionInitial Vertical Uncertainty
Standard DeviationrawStdDev
CUBE UncertaintycubeUncert
Attached ScalarproductUncert
Loaded Scalar (.scalar) objectproductUncert

You can still change it from the dropdown.

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