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Fledermaus Change Object Coordinate System Dialog

Change Object Coordinate System Dialog

How to Start

Change Object Coordinate System Dialog from Operations Menu

What it Does

This dialog is used to change the object coordinate reference system, without changing the data itself. 

General Description

 The selected object can be viewed in a different coordinate system than the original import. This is commonly used when the incorrect CRS was selected during the import process, or as a workaround for data that was recorded in survey feet for FMGT users. This operation does not change the dataset itself. 

Coordinate Reference System

This field contains the coordinate system the object will be changed to.


Stands for the European Petroleum Survey Group. These codes are a set of geodetic parameters used to represent projected, unprojected and local coordinate system definitions. If you know the EPSG code of the coordinate system you want you can quicky select it by entering the code. 

Look up a Coordinate System

Clicking on the magnifying glass bring up the coordinate system search tool.

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