Fledermaus Calculate Slope Dialog
Calculate Slope Dialog
How to Start
Scene Objects Dock → Right-Click on Object → Operations → Slope
Scene Objects Dock → Operations → Slope
What it Does
The Calculate Slope dialog allows the user to compute a surface that represents the maximum slope at each grid center of the currently selected SD.
General Description
The generated surface will have the same dimensions as the original surface file and represents the maximum slope from each cell to any of its neighboring cells.
For the generated surface, each cell represents the maximum slope to any of its neighbors written in decimal degrees. You can optionally specify the slope range bounds for the generated surface. This is useful if you want the range to correspond to a particular range of colors in a given color map.
The created scalar file can then be used in the shading process to drape the scalar color over the DTM. The values of the scalar can also be attached to the original surface. This means that when the surface of the object is picked in Fledermaus it will return X, Y, Z, and slope. Alternatively the user may create another surface where the Z value of the DTM is the slope.
If the resulting surface will be an attached Scalar to the current SD or a copy of the current SD, the SD can be re-shaded using the new attached scalar if Re-Shade with attached scalar is toggled on.