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Fledermaus Calculate IHO Uncertainty Dialog

Calculate IHO Uncertainty Dialog

How to Start

What it Does

The Calculate IHO Uncertainty dialog calculates the uncertainty associated with the dataset. This uncertainty value will determine whether the data has met IHO order standards. 

General Description



The surface for which the IHO Uncertainty is required.  

Depth Range

The depth range of the selected dataset.


Uncertainty Level 

You will need to set the uncertainty level to the correct level for your data. There are 4 levels of depth accuracy specified by the IHO per Special Publication Number 44: Special Order, Order 1, Order 2 and Order 3. The criteria for each in brief:

IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys

Special Order

Order 1 

Order 2

Order 3

 Harbours, berthing areas, and associated critical channels with minimum underkeel clearances.

 Harbours, harbour approach channels, recommended tracks and some coastal areas with depths up to 100 m. 

 Areas not described in Special Order and Order 1, or areas up to 200 m water depth. 

Offshore areas not described in Special Order, and Orders 1 and 2.

Survey Vertical Height Offset

This feature is intended for is designed for lakes that are above sea level. If your data is bathymetric and below 0, then you will not need to use this.

Output Options

Copy Surface and Attach Uncertainty Data

This option is applicable when the user wishes to transfer their object to ArcGIS. It will copy the surface and attach the uncertainty to it. 

Create Standalone Scalar Object

This option will create a scalar, which is an x,y attribute surface with the uncertainty as an attached scalar value. 

Output File

The filename of the surface with the according uncertainty value including its format extension, .surface. 

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