Workflows - Qinsy to SonarWiz
This page goes through workflow options to get data from Qinsy to SonarWiz. For more information on how to import files that are obtained or exported from QPS products, please visit: SonarWiz Quick Start
QPS is in partnership with Chesapeake Technology, in order to offer a more streamlined workflow from QPS products into SonarWiz! You can see more information on this here:
There are a few different methods of moving from Qinsy into SonarWiz:
Direct .db/.qpd
This method allows you to directly import the recorded .db/.qpd files into SonarWiz. Once these files are created in Qinsy, no further steps are required, and you can import them into SonarWiz.

More information on this method can be found in our Webinar announcing our Chesapeake partnership.
Export XTF
You can create XTF’s either in real time or offline to import into SonarWiz.
To create XTF’s in real time, navigate to the Storage section in Session Setup while online:

To create XTF’s after you have collected your recorded .db files, navigate to the Export option through Replay:

For more information on exporting XTFs, please visit How-to XTF Files
Export SEG Y
To create SEG Y files in Qinsy to be brought into SonarWiz, they must be exported after data collection.
This can be done in the Export option through Replay:

If you have any further questions please contact our support department through our support ticket system, or our phone lines.