Qinsy 9.7.1 - Known Issues
The QPS team is continuously improving Qinsy to implement new functionality and documentation.
Unfortunately, there are a number of known issues in our software release.
These software issues will be solved in future maintenance releases.
Drivers - GNSS - NMEA Position and Heading (Checksum) does not decode data
The driver seems to ignore the GGA messages because of the checksum, even though the checksum is correct.
Use the NMEA Position and Heading (No Checksum) driver.
This works exactly the same, but ignores the checksum.
Planned fix
You can use the following patch which includes a ReadMe.txt file on how to apply it:
It will also be part of Qinsy 9.7.2.
Survey Manager - Static Grid - Export - DEM Tiff
When you export part of a grid layer to a DEM Tiff (using a selection), the DEM Tiff is shifted.
Export the entire grid layer to a DEM Tiff.
In case the file is to big, you could import part of a grid layer into a new layer and export that new layer to a DEM Tiff.
Planned fix
The fix is planned for Qinsy 9.7.3.
Survey Manager - Qinsy 9.7.0 Session file in combination with Common Files Folder
This is only applicable after Qinsy 9.7.0 is released.
In Qinsy 9.7.0 we will save the location of files in the Session file as relative files.
This to make it easier to move projects around.
This will mean however, if you open a 9.7.0 session in earlier versions, Survey Manager will not be able to find the files.
You can manually fix this, but it might be confusing.