Qinsy 9.4.3 - Known Issues
The QPS team is continuously improving Qinsy to implement new functionality and documentation. Unfortunately, there are a number of known issues in our software release Qinsy 9.4.3.
These software issues will be solved in future maintenance releases. Please subscribe to our Newsletter and follow future maintenance releases to ensure optimal use of Qinsy 9.
For this release the following issues are known:
Drivers - Singlebeam - User defined drivers - Data not decoded properly
Singlebeam data decoded, using a user defined driver, is inverted.
These are the drivers created using the I/O Driver Editor from the Console.
This also happens if you replay data in 9.4.3 that is recorded in another version.
There are 2 things you can do:
- Either switch back to Qinsy 9.4.2 and record your data there.
The data is then decoded as expected. - In case you already have recorded data in 9.4.3 that you want to fix, you can replay the data in 9.4.2.
Planned fix
This will be addressed in the upcoming version: Qinsy 9.4.4.
Drivers - Tide Gauge - Pegel Online Tide - Data no longer decoded
Data is no longer decoded by the driver. This is because Pegel changed their URL.
Our driver does not recognize this, so we need to update.
There is none at the moment.
Planned fix
We are working on a patch (component release) which should then also become part of Qinsy 9.4.4.
Please reach out to Support if you need a patch.
Drivers - Generic - Serial - Data without LF as Termination character not decoded
Serial drivers created using the I/O Driver Editor will not work if the Termination character is set to anything else than LF and there is not LF at the end of the string.
It turned out that Qinsy was always using LF, no matter what you selected as Termination Character.
Use Qinsy 9.4.4.
Planned fix
Fixed in 9.4.4
In this version the Termination character is decoded again.
Note that "None" is no longer an option since the Serial generic driver does not support this option.
So to prevent confusion, we removed this option from the selection list.
Survey Manager - Plotting - Grid data is shifted or not visible
When you make a plot, containing grid data in a plan view box, the grid data is shifted.
This can be shifted to the point where it is no longer visible.
Unfortunately there is no workaround in Qinsy 9.4.3. The suggested workaround for now is to make the plots in Qinsy 9.4.2.
Note that you can have 2 Qinsy versions installed next to each other.
Planned fix
The fix for this issue will be part of Qinsy 9.4.4.
Please contact Support in case the workaround is not an option for you.
Survey Manager - Plotting - Plot is completely black or white
When creating a plot with a plan view in it, the plan view is:
- Black in the plot preview;
- White if you print it to PDF.
This was caused by a recent Windows update.
More info on that can be found here.
Uninstall the Windows update or install a Windows update that addresses this.
Please find more info here.
If you scroll down on the page, there are links for several Windows builds.
You can find your version number by:
- Typing "Windows Updates" in the search bar;
- Selecting the "OS build info" on the right side.
- If you then scroll down a bit, you can see the number.
Planned fix
This has been addressed by Windows.
However, in case you still encounter the issue after installing the Windows fix, please let us know.
Displays - Navigation - CAD
Converting a design file into a background file will not show lines when the start and end point of a line are outside the view. (Viewing Panel)
Do not convert design files into background files. If lines from a design are needed in the Navigation Display, then create a dedicated background file.
Displays - Navigation - CAD Survey Manager
The QPS team encountered a memory problem with CAD files which contain many complex blocks.
Do not use CAD files which contain many complex blocks. This bug will be solved in a future maintenance release.
Displays - Navigation - ENC Survey Manager
Both the Survey Manager and Navigation Display are not Per monitor DPI aware.
With two monitors, each with different display scales, the scale on the secondary monitor will not be correct.
This also affects the way the ENCs are drawn.
Please vote on: FQI-605 - Survey Manager - Plan View - Make per monitor DPI aware
Drivers - Camera - Basler - crashes on Online startup
The computer has Pylon 6.0 installed and the camera can be used in Pylon.
Overwrite the Pylon 6.0 install with Pylon and this will do the trick to run Basler with Qinsy 9.
Survey Manager - Plan View - ENC
ENCs produced by Rijkswaterstaat for the Dutch province of Zeeland and ENCs produced by the Netherlands Hydrographic office cannot be displayed simultaneously due to the different usage levels and compilation scales of both producers.
For more information and updates: https://vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/#/page/infra_enc
Survey Manager - Sounding Grid - Import Geoid Model
The QPS team encountered a problem when importing geoid models into a sounding grid.
For now the import functionality has been disabled.
Please let us know if you run into this issue so we can directly update you.