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QINSy 8.18.3 - Patches and Known Issues

Patches and Known Issues

For this release the following issues have been reported:


Issue description


Online - Computation - Unreliable heights

An ROV with a multibeam whereby the height settings are on unreliable (using Tide and a depth sensors) then in adverse weather the data will not be correct (ripple).
This is due to a bug that was introduced in QINSy 8.18.3

Use 8.18.2 instead

When the scenario is used with ROV in unreliable mode then QINSy 8.18.3 should not be used.
It will be solved in a future maintenance release

Please use 8.18.2 

Console - License Manager - SoftlockSoftlocks are under beta evaluation and will not be supplied for the 8.18.x versionsUse a HASP dongle
Console - License Manager

If you start a QPS application (QINSy, Qimera or Fledermaus) with a HASP dongle and you also have a softlock license for the same application on the same computer, our applications will always authenticate against the HASP. If you then pull out the HASP dongle, the usual warning will appear and the application will shut down unless the HASP dongle is reinserted in time to prevent this. This is the exact same behavior a user would have encountered prior to introduction of our softlock licensing system in that if you pull out a HASP and do not re-insert, then the application will close.

The limitation is that the current licensing system does NOT check for a softlock license after the HASP is removed, this is an improvement that we will consider in the future.

Do not start the application with a HASP if you expect to need to pull out the HASP dongle.

Do not pull out the HASP dongle.

Drivers - AISNon or only some AIS vessel names appear in the AIS contact labels in a navigation screen or in a list view in an Observation Physics display.
It seems that AIS message 5 containing static data like vessels name, length, width, antenna offsets etc is not used by QINSy.

Download the Patch and follow the steps in the readme file inside the ZIP file

Drivers - Generic Input - Ini files

The generic input drivers, created with the IO Driver Editor, do not decode individual fields which are 1 character in length. This unwanted behavior happens with both the serial and the network driver.

Download the Serial Patch and follow the steps in the readme file inside the ZIP file

Download the UDP Patch and follow the steps in the readme file inside the ZIP file

Drivers - Laser - SICK LMS511

Communication problems between QINSy and the SICK LMS5xx laser device: no incoming laser data will be decoded

There are several solutions:

  • Use the previous latest QINSy version: v8.18.2
  • or ask QPS Support for a patch that works with v8.18.3

Issue will be solved in next QINSy release

Drivers - MBES - EMController
  1. Selecting RS232 in the Options menu currently does not work. 
  2. Interfacing RS-422 currently does not work.
  1. Select RS-422
  2. Interface an RS232 signal and select RS-422

Fixed for 9.0.0

Generic Editor / Generic Display / Generic Output DriverA generic layout that contains an item with a default translation property (e.g. General, Recording Status) gets a duplicated translation table every time when being accessed. So the translation property table will unnecessarily grow in size and possible user-defined translation fields will be mistakenly overruled.
Download the Patch that works with v8.18.3

Issue will be solved in next QINSy release

Navigation Display - CAD - Design in BackgroundBackground file that was created by converting this from a design will not show lines when the start and end points of those lines are outside the view.Do not convert design files to background files. Note that this option is now disabled in this version.
Navigation Display - CAD - Background and Line Data - Not visibleWhen using UTM zones in the West, background files and Line Planning files did not show in 8.18.3 but do show in 8.18.2.

Download Navigation Patch and follow the steps in the readme file inside the ZIP file

Navigation Display - CAD
Processing Manager - CAD

Memory problem with CAD files which contain many complex Blocks.

Explode CAD file in your CAD package.
In a later release this will be solved.

Navigation Display
Processing Manager

The change in color maps may cause grids to look different from before.

Make sure to set the path to the Color Maps folder in the latest release. Setting the path correctly in the Console's Global Settings, will set it right for use throughout QINSy.
When loading projects created by older versions of QINSy in the PM.NET, you may sometimes need to re-select the color map to make it effective.

Processing Manager - ENC

Issue with different usage levels of ENC's of Rijkswaterstaat of the Netherlands. It is not possible to view the Zeeland ENC and Nederland ENC at the same time.
Rijkswaterstaat is updating the charts with new usage levels. More information about the Rijkswaterstaat updates can be found at:

Zeeland ENC does show up with usage level: Use 'Compilation' scale

Nederland ENC does show up with usage level: Use 'Custom and Standard'

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