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Monitoring Results are not available for Export

Parent Item

A list with all available monitors as defined in the current selected Qinsy database.

Monitoring setup is done in the Controller's Session Setup, under shortcut Monitoring.

Note that some sub items below are only applicable to certain monitor types.

Sub ItemDescriptionValue type

User defined text

Text Format
  • Normal Text
    Your own free plain text
  • Binary
    Enter one or more ASCII character codes, comma or space separated, in the range between 1 and 127.
    For example '2' for a binary STX character, '3' for a binary ETX character, or '13, 10' for CR+LF.
    See table ASCII Codes for an overview of all possible characters.

  • New Line
    Same as Binary but already formatted as '13, 10' (meaning CR+LF) and without a possible Field Delimiter.
    A Field Delimiter may be present when your layout purpose is for Export or ASCII Logging.


Unique ID of the monitor, automatically assigned.

NameThe name of the monitor, as given by the user in the Monitor Setup of the Controller's Session Setup.text


Time of the last update of the selected Monitor results.

AgeThe difference between the triggering time and the time of the last monitor result update (see above)double
TypeThe name of type of the monitor, as selected by the user in the Monitor Setup of the Controller's Session Setup.text
Type Code

The type code of the monitor, as selected by the user in the Monitor Setup of the Controller's Session Setup.

The following values can be expected:

  • 0: Undefined Type (or no monitor selected)
  • 1: Future Reserved Type
  • 2: Future Reserved Type
  • 3: Future Reserved Type
  • 4: Future Reserved Type
  • 5: Future Reserved Type
  • 6: Dynamic Moon Pool Area (2D)
    This monitor type is typically used for tracking the whereabouts of a (Fallpipe) ROV relative to the moon pool it was lowered through. To avoid breakage of the umbilical you can monitor whether the ROV stays within a predefined area relative to your vessel or not.
  • 7: Seabed Collision Avoidance
    This monitor type is typically used for towing a fish at a certain altitude above a known seabed, e.g. from sounding grid. You can monitor if and when the fish will run into the ground between now and user-definable time period.
  • 8: Layback Tolerances
    This monitor is typically used during cable/pipe laying operations to be notified whether the current touchdown location of the cable/pipe is within the expected location and tensions.

The category of the selected monitor.
Value will be:

0. General
1. Areas
2. Touchdown


The same value as the Status Code (see below) but by default a Translation property has been added in order to translate the number to text.

So the default text values will be:

0. OK
   Monitor is okay, i.e. no warnings, alarms or errors.
1. Warning
   Monitor is in warning state, i.e. one or more warnings but no alarms or errors.
2. Alarm
   Monitor is in alarm state, or more alarms and possibly warnings but no errors.
3. Error
   Monitor is in error state, i.e. one or more errors and possibly alarms and/or warnings.

Status Code

This is the same item as Status, but without the default Translation property.

Value will be:

0. OK
   Monitor is okay, i.e. no warnings, alarms or errors.
1. Warning
   Monitor is in warning state, i.e. one or more warnings but no alarms or errors.
2. Alarm
   Monitor is in alarm state, or more alarms and possibly warnings but no errors.
3. Error
   Monitor is in error state, i.e. one or more errors and possibly alarms and/or warnings.

Status Message

Textual description of the monitor status in case of a warning, alarm or error.

Will be empty when the monitor status is OK (i.e. Code 0).


  • Concatenated (Default)
    The entire message is outputted as one long line.
  • Formatted
    The message may consist of multiple sentences. In that case each line will be ended with a CR/LF character.
Distance To Safe Area

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Area / Dynamic Moon Pool Area (2D)
    Horizontal distance between the selected Bottom Node and the closest point on the dynamic safe area boundary.
    Value will be positive when the Bottom Node is within the safe area and negative when it is outside the safe area.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Distance To Collision

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Area / Seabed Collision Avoidance
    Horizontal distance between the selected Node and the alleged collision location on the seabed.
    Will be empty when there is no collision point, meaning the monitor status is OK.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Time To Collision

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Area / Seabed Collision Avoidance
    Time to go of the selected Node (using current SOG / COG) to the alleged collision location on the seabed.
    Will be empty when there is no collision point, meaning the monitor status is OK.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Collision Easting

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Area  Seabed Collision Avoidance
    Easting co-ordinate of the alleged collision location, always on Survey Datum.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Collision Northing

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Area / Seabed Collision Avoidance
    Northing co-ordinate of the alleged collision location, always on Survey Datum .
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Collision Height

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Area / Seabed Collision Avoidance
    Height value of the seabed of the alleged collision location, always on Chart Datum.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Min Layback Distance

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Touchdown / Layback Tolerance
    The minimum allowed layback distance (as defined in the lookup table) for the reported touchdown location depth.
    This distance can also be seen in a Navigation display as one of the two circles around the chute node position.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Max Layback Distance

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Touchdown / Layback Tolerance
    The maximum allowed layback distance (as defined in the lookup table) for the reported touchdown location depth.
    This distance can also be seen in a Navigation display as one of the two circles around the chute node position.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Layback Distance

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Touchdown / Layback Tolerance
    The actual horizontal distance between the chute node position and the reported touchdown location.
    It is this distance that is used to raise the monitor alarm or not.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Layback Percentage

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Touchdown / Layback Tolerance
    This percentage value is an indication how well the layback distance is within or outside the min/max distance tolerance.
    • < 100% means the layback distance is less than the minimum layback distance tolerance.
    • = 100% means the layback distance is between the min and max layback distance tolerance.
    • > 100% means the layback distance is more than the maximum layback distance tolerance.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Bottom Tension

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Touchdown / Layback Tolerance
    The used bottom tension as selected in the Controller's Session Setup Monitoring Parameters page.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.

Layback Centre Easting

Layback Centre Northing

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Touchdown / Layback Tolerance
    Most likely the chute location. Co-ordinate always on Survey Datum .
    The layback tolerance circles will be drawn around this point in a Navigation Display.
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.
Layback Tolerance Depth

Value depends on the specific monitor category / type:

  • Touchdown / Layback Tolerance
    Reported depth (from the touchdown monitoring results, relative to the actual waterline) that is used to lookup the correct layback tolerances from the table
  • [ All other types ]
    Value will be empty.

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