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How-to Sub Bottom Profiler

This document describes how to interface and use a Sub Bottom Profiler (SBP) online.

On this page:

An add-on utility is needed to use a Sub Bottom Profiler in Qinsy.
More information about add-ons can be found in the How-to Article of the License Manager.


How to set up and connect a SBP in Qinsy can be found in the Drivers manual - SBP.


Computation Settings

After entering the system in Database Setup, it can go online. No additional settings can be done in the Computation Setup.

Echosounder Settings

For some sensors is it possible to set the range of the SBP system in the Echosounder Settings.
However, this is only possible when a Side Scan Sonar system is also interfaced in Qinsy.

The following settings can be set in the Echosounder Settings of the Edgetech SBP system:

  • SBP ping mode: start or stop recording;
  • SBP range (m): the range of the SBP system can be set here. The range will also be used in Discover when 'Control system from Qinsy' is enabled in the Database Setup;
  • Discover Recording: Enable or disable the recording in the Discover software;
  • Discover Synchronization: recording mode of Discover. It is possible to sync the recording with the Discover software.

SBP Display

In the Display Manager is it possible to select the Sub Bottom Profiler Display.
Use this display to view the raw data while recording it with a Sub Bottom Profiler.


It is possible to export the SBP data that is recorded in Qinsy. When the data is recorded, it is possible to export this through the Raw Database Manager (accessible via Replay in the Console):

  • Select the file that contains SBP data;
  • Select Export;
  • Select 'Raw Data - SEGY';

It is possible to either export the complete file to an SEGY file or only a part of it. If a partial export is done, please select the start time and the end time.

The following page will show two options:

  • Target files: When multiple source files are selected, it is possible to export these all to one single file or to export each one to a separate file;
  • File size: Exported files can grow very large. It is possible to limit the file size. When this is exceeded a new file will be generated;

It is possible to define the system that needs to be exported but it is also possible to export all SBP systems

When the export is done, a file is generated in the Export folder of the Qinsy Project tree.
It is possible to view the data with a dedicated SEGY viewer.

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