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Cable/Pipe Lay

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Cable/Pipe Lay

A bargetrack is an 'on-the-fly' calculated route, running 'parallel' to the current mainline route.
The idea is that the current mainline represents the pipeline, and the bargetrack represents the track that the main vessel (barge) should sail in order to position the stinger point exactly above the pipeline route.

A bargetrack is only calculated when the following conditions are met:

  • the current main line is a route (preferably containing theoretical radii and not a series of lines)
  • the steered node is the Touch Down Point ( TP ) which needs to be set in the Computation Setup
  • Cable/Pipe Lay support is enabled in the Session Setup.

Cable/Pipe Lay support can be enabled in the Controller's Session Setup, under Shortcut Cable/Pipe Lay.

If you can't find this shortcut, make sure that option 'Show Cable/Pipe Lay Setup' is enabled in pull-down menu Settings, Session Shortcuts.

Sub ItemDescriptionValue typeProperties


Value will be 1 or 0.

1 (one) when a Touchdown Method has been selected (Controller Session Setup, Cable/Pipe Lay) and 0 (zero) when the Touchdown Method is set to [ None ].



Time of the last touchdown event


AgeElapsed time in seconds since the last touchdown event.double

Node Name

The name of the selected bargetrack node, as entered in Database Setup.
The value will be empty when Cable/Pipe Lay support is disabled, or when the node status is not valid.

The node is selected in the Controller's Session Setup, under Shortcut Cable/Pipe Lay.
Normally it represents the so-called Beadstall node, which is the first welding station on a lay barge.


Node Easting

Easting of the selected node (and computation) and is always on Survey Datum.

The computation and node are selected in the Controller's Session Setup, under Shortcut Cable/Pipe Lay.


Node Northing

Northing of the selected Node (and computation) and is always on Survey Datum.

The computation and node are selected in the Controller's Session Setup, under Shortcut Cable/Pipe Lay.


Node Latitude

Latitude of the selected Node (and computation) and is by default on Survey Datum, but WGS84 can also be selected.

The computation and node are selected in the Controller's Session Setup, under Shortcut Cable/Pipe Lay.


Node Longitude

Longitude of the selected Node (and computation) and is by default on Survey Datum, but WGS84 can also be selected.

The computation and node are selected in the Controller's Session Setup, under Shortcut Cable/Pipe Lay.


Distance Across

The value will be the Distance Across of the selected Bargetrack Node on the calculated Bargetrack route.


Speed Across

The value will be the Speed Across of the selected Bargetrack Node (using SOG and COG parameters) on the calculated Bargetrack route.
(Notice that the SOG and COG depend on the Computation Setup COG/SOG/Kalman Filter Settings).


Speed Along

The value will be the Speed Along of the selected Bargetrack Node (using SOG and COG parameters) on the calculated Bargetrack route.
(Notice that the SOG and COG depend on the Computation Setup COG/SOG/Kalman Filter Settings).


Layback Range

The layback range is calculated using the X and Y observation from the selected USBL system (Controller's Session Setup, Shortcut Cable/Pipe Lay). The used layback range is always an horizontal range, the Z observation from the USBL system is not used.
This range includes a possible extra offset between the USBL system 'at' node and the selected Bargetrack node.

Note that if the USBL Transponder node is not the same as the selected Bargetrack Node, then the value will be corrected for the y-offset difference between the two nodes.



  • Horizontal (default)
    Two-dimensional range.
  • Slant
    Three-dimensional range.
    (The Z observation is taken into account.)

Layback Delta Height

The delta height value is the Z observation from the selected USBL system (Controller's Session Setup, Shortcut Bargetrack).
Notice that this value is not used for the layback calculations. It is however used for the flop forward location calculation.


Touchdown MethodThe selected Touchdown Method as selected in the Controller's Session Setup, Cable/Pipe Lay page.text
Touchdown IdUnique incrementing counter at every touchdown eventinteger
Touchdown EastingCo-ordinate always on Survey Datumdouble
Touchdown NorthingCo-ordinate always on Survey Datumdouble
Touchdown DepthThe depth is by default on Actual Water Level but Chart Datum (also known as Vertical Datum) can also be selected using the Datum propertydouble
Touchdown DX
Touchdown KP
doubleNotice the additional Nr Format Property:
"Station+Offset (US notation)".

This will format a KP value as a Station+Offset (USA notation), where Station is the value in survey units * 100 and the Offset the remainder (in survey units).

E.g 2345.6 feet along a route becomes 23+45.6.
Flop Forward EastingEasting of the calculated flop forward location. Always on Survey Datum.double
Flop Forward NorthingNorthing of the calculated flop forward location. Always on Survey Datum.double
Flop Forward KPThe value will be the Kilometer Point of the calculated flop forward location on the pipeline (current mainline).doubleNotice the additional Nr Format Property:
"Station+Offset (US notation)".

This will format a KP value as a Station+Offset (USA notation), where Station is the value in survey units * 100 and the Offset the remainder (in survey units).

E.g 2345.6 feet along a route becomes 23+45.6.
Flop Forward LengthThe slant range of the layback value plus the offset to the beadstall node.double
Bottom Tension

The horizontal or vertical tension at the bottom (touchdown location) of the pipe or cable.

Unit is the same as in the given weight in air / water of the pipe or cable.

The horizontal component of the tension is always constant from touchdown point all the way to the release point, therefore this value is equal to the horizontal release tension



  • Horizontal (default)
    The horizontal component of the tension at the bottom
  • Vertical
    The vertical component of the tension at the bottom
Release Tension

The horizontal or vertical tension at the release point of the pipe or cable.

Unit is the same as in the given weight in air / water of the pipe or cable.

The horizontal component of the tension is always constant from touchdown point all the way to the release point, therefore this value is equal to the horizontal bottom tension.



  • Horizontal (default)
    The horizontal component of the tension at the release point
  • Vertical
    The vertical component of the tension at the release point
Curvature RadiusThe value will be the minimum curvature radius.double
Error CodeValue 0 means no error.integer
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